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90fo denom (#8926)

  • HU020.05.jpg
  • HU025.05.jpg
  • HU048.05.jpg
  • HU064.05.jpg
  • HU002.11.jpg
  • HU005.11.jpg
  • HU013.11.jpg
Desc: 90fo

Currency: Hungarian forint (100f=1fo=1ft)

Numerical sorting value: 540000

Equivalent denoms: 90ft (52)

Users of this denom: Hungary (7 stamps, 2005-2011)

Used by 7 stamps of Hungary: (See all uses as list)

3/10/2005 90fo d=Sandor Iharos
4/11/2005 90fo dt=writers (2005) d=Jeno Rejto
6/17/2005 90fo issue=Stamp Day 2005
10/19/2005 90fo issue=University of Craft & Design 125th d=125 in pencils perf=12
2/7/2011 90fo issue=Hungarian Presidency of the European Union council d=curves
3/1/2011 90fo issue=Easter 2011 d=crucifixion
4/8/2011 90fo issue=Stamp Day 2011 dt=Architecture (2011)