Desc: 1kr
Currency: Austro-Hungarian krone (100h=1kr=1k)
Numerical sorting value: 6000
Equivalent denoms: 100h (3), 1k (20)
Users of this denom: Austria (19 stamps, 1899-1922), Italian occupation of Austria (2 stamps, 1918)
Used by 21 stamps: (See all uses as list)
Austria 12/1899 1kr rose issue=1899 d=Franz Josef (1890 anaglyph) perf=9-12.5
Austria 1/1/1908 1kr pur issue=Franz Josef accession 60th d=Franz Josef in royal robes perf=9-12.5
Austria 8/18/1910 1kr dkvio issue=Franz Josef 80th d=Emperor Franz Joseph in coronation vestment perf=9-12.5
Austria military 1915 1kr redlil issue=1915b military d=Franz Josef (1915 b) perf=12.5
Austria military 1915 1kr brnvio pc=straw issue=1915a military d=Franz Josef (1912) ovpt=K.U.K.//FELDPOST oc=blk on=issuer=Bosnia & Herzegovina-1912-1k perf=12.5
Austria postage due 10/1/1916 1kr graybl issue=1916 due perf=12.5
Austria postage due 10/1/1916 1kr graybl issue=1916 due d=Perf: 12½ x 13 perf=12.5
Austria 1918 1kr car pc=yel issue=1916 d=arms of Austria (1916 b) perf=12.5
Austria military 1918 1kr ol issue=1918 military d=Karl I (1917) perf=12.5
Italian occupation of Austria 1918 1kr car pc=yel issue=1918a d=arms of Austria (1916 b) ovpt=Regno d'Italia//Venezia Giulia//3. XI. 18. oc=blk on=issuer=Austria-issue=1916-1kr-car perf=12.5
Italian occupation of Austria 1918 1kr car pc=yel issue=1918d d=arms of Austria (1916 b) ovpt=Regno d Italia//Trentino//3 nov 1918 oc=blk on=issuer=Austria-issue=1916-1918-1kr-car perf=12.5
Austria 12/1918 1kr car pc=yel issue=1918 d=arms of Austria (1916 b) ovpt=Deutschoesterreich oc=blk on=issue=1916-1kr-perf=12.5 perf=12.5
Austria postage due 3/1/1919 1kr rose issue=1919 due perf=12.5
Austria 7/1919 1kr car pc=yel issue=1919 d=arms of Austria (1919) perf=12.5
Austria 7/1919 1kr ltbl issue=1919 d=arms of Austria (1919) perf=12.5
Austria postage due 2/1/1920 1kr dkbl issue=1920 due perf=12.5x13
Austria 5/1920 1kr blkbrn issue=1920 d=arms of Austria (1920 b) perf=12.5
Austria semipostal 9/16/1920 1kr blkbrn issue=Carinthia Plebiscite d=arms of Austria (1920 b) ovpt=Kaernten//Abstimmung oc=blk on=issue=1920-1kr perf=12.5
Austria semipostal 3/1/1921 1kr blkbrn issue=flood relief 1921 d=arms of Austria (1920 b) ovpt=Hochwasser//1920 oc=blk on=issue=1920-1kr perf=12.5
Austria 1922 1kr brn issue=1922a dt=symbols d=symbols of labor & industry perf=12.5
Austria postage due 1/1/1922 1kr brnorg issue=1922 due perf=12.5