Desc: 5s
Currency: Samoan tālā (100s=100c=1t=1$=1WS$)
Numerical sorting value: 300
Users of this denom: Samoa (9 stamps, 1967-2002)
Used by 9 stamps of Samoa: (See all uses as list)
7/10/1967 5s issue=decimal d=Samoan broadbill Myiagra albiventris wmk=kava bowl & WS perf=11
2/15/1968 5s issue=agriculture d=breadfruit (1968) wmk=kava bowl & WS perf=11
4/27/1970 5s issue=great Apia hurricane d=wreck of the Adler wmk=kava bowl & WS perf=11
8/9/1971 5s issue=Tourism 1971 d=Siva Dance wmk=kava bowl & WS
10/18/1972 5s issue=1972 dt=animals (1972 Samoa) d=Chaetodon trifasciatus (1972) wmk=kava bowl & WS
10/18/1976 5s issue=Christmas 1976 wmk=kava bowl & WS
7/20/1982 5s issue=75th Anniversary of Boy Scout Movement wmk=kava bowl & WS
3/29/1995 5s issue=1995
8/1/2002 5s issue=2002