Desc: 5s
Currency: Bulgarian lev (100st=100s=100cm=1l)
Numerical sorting value: 300
Equivalent denoms: 0.05l (8), 5st (211)
Users of this denom: Bulgaria (184 stamps, 1881-1991), Bulgarian occupation of Romania (1 stamp, 1916), Allied occupation of Thrace (5 stamps, 1919-1920)
Used by 190 stamps: (See all uses as list)
Bulgaria 6/10/1881 5s blk&org d=lion of Bulgaria (1879) wmk=Cyrillic EZGB & wavy lines perf=14.5x15
Bulgaria 12/4/1882 5s grn&palegrn d=lion of Bulgaria (1879) wmk=Cyrillic EZGB & wavy lines perf=14.5x15
Bulgaria postage due 1884 5s org perf=VARIOUS
Bulgaria 5/1/1884 5s bl&yelbrn oc=car on=30s-bl&yelbrn-unissued
Bulgaria 5/1/1884 5s bl&yelbrn oc=blk on=30s-bl&yelbrn-unissued
Bulgaria 6/1885 5s bl&yelbrn oc=ver on=30s-bl&yelbrn-unissued
Bulgaria postage due 1886 5s org imperf
Bulgaria postage due 1887 5s org perf=11.5
Bulgaria 1889 5s yelgrn d=lion of Bulgaria (1889) perf=13.25x13.5
Bulgaria postage due 1892 5s org d=redrawn perf=10.5
Bulgaria postage due 1893 5s org perf=10.5-11.5 paper=pelure
Bulgaria postage due 1896 5s org perf=13
Bulgaria 2/2/1896 5s dkbl d=arms of Bulgaria (1896) perf=12.75
Bulgaria 1901 5s emer&brn&blk issue=1901 d=Tsar Ferdinand (1901) perf=12.5
Bulgaria postage due 1901 5s issue=1901 due b perf=11.5
Bulgaria 3/24/1901 5s bisbrn d=lion of Bulgaria (1889) oc=blk on=1889-3s-bisbrn perf=13.25x13.5
Bulgaria 4/20/1901 5s car d=cherrywood cannon (1901) perf=12.75
Bulgaria 8/29/1902 5s lake d=fighting,Shipka Pass perf=11.5
Bulgaria 8/12/1907 5s dpgrn issue=Tsar Ferdinand accession 20th d=Tsar Ferdinand, 1887 & 1907 perf=11.5
Bulgaria 1909 5s yelgrn issue=1909 d=lion of Bulgaria (1889) ovpt=1909 oc=blk on=1889-5s-yelgrn perf=13.25x13.5
Bulgaria 6/17/1909 5s cl&grayblk&blk issue=1909 d=Tsar Ferdinand (1901) oc=blk on=issue=1901-15s perf=12.5
Bulgaria 7/3/1909 5s dkbrn issue=1909 d=lion of Bulgaria (1889) ovpt=1909//5 oc=blk on=1889-30s perf=13.25x13.5
Bulgaria 10/1910 5s cl&grayblk&blk d=Tsar Ferdinand (1901) ovpt=1910//value oc=blk on=issue=1901-15s perf=12.5
Bulgaria 2/14/1911 5s grn&blk issue=1911 d=Tsar Ferdinand (1911) perf=12
Bulgaria 8/2/1912 5s olgrn issue=Tsar Ferdinand reign 25th d=Tsar Ferdinand I perf=12.5
Bulgaria 8/6/1913 5s grn&blk issue=victory 1913 d=Tsar Ferdinand (1911) ovpt=xxx//1912-1913 oc=red on=1911-5s perf=12
Bulgaria postage due 1915 5s grn issue=1915 postage due perf=11.5
Bulgaria 11/7/1915 5s grn&brn issue=1911 reengraved d=Tsar Ferdinand (1915) perf=VARIOUS
Bulgarian occupation of Romania 1916 5s grn&brn issue=1916 d=Tsar Ferdinand (1915) ovpt=(cyrillic)//1916-1917 oc=red on=issuer=Bulgaria-1915-5s-grn&brn perf=VARIOUS
Bulgaria 1917 5s grn issue=Macedonia liberation d=arms (1917) perf=12.5
Bulgaria 1918 5s grn issue=Occupation of Macedonia II d=monastery, Okhrida
Bulgaria postage due 1919 5s emer issue=1919 postage due
Allied occupation of Thrace 1919 5s grn issue=1919a d=Tsar Boris III (1919) ovpt=THRACE INTERALLIEE oc=blk on=issuer=Bulgaria-1919-5s-grn perf=11.75x11.5
Allied occupation of Thrace 1919 5s issue=1919b ovpt=THRACE//INTERALLIEE oc=blk on=issuer=Bulgaria-5s
Bulgaria 10/3/1919 5s grn issue=1919 d=Tsar Boris III (1919) perf=11.75x11.5
Allied occupation of Thrace 3/1920 5s blgrn ovpt=Thrace//Interalliee oc=blk on=issuer=Bulgaria-5s-blgrn
Allied occupation of Thrace postage due 5/1920 5s ovpt=THRACE//INTERALLIEE oc=blk on=issuer=Bulgaria-5s
Allied occupation of Thrace 5/1920 5s ovpt=THRACE//OCCIDENTALE oc=blk on=issuer=Bulgaria-5s
Bulgaria 2/15/1960 5s dkyelgrn issue=1960 plan d=Female cottonpicker perf=13
Bulgaria 7/27/1960 5s dt=native flowers (1960) d=Tulipa rhodopea perf=11
Bulgaria 5/15/1961 5s orgbrn&blk issue=World University Games 1961 d=tennis (1961)
Bulgaria 1/1/1962 5s blgrn issue=1962 provisional perf=13
Bulgaria 1/1/1962 5s issue=1962 provisional perf=13
Bulgaria 1/1/1962 5s issue=1962 provisional perf=13
Bulgaria 3/1/1962 5s dt=ships (1962 Bulgaria) d=Tanker Komsomolets perf=11
Bulgaria 3/28/1962 5s dt=roses (1962 Bulgaria) d=pink roses (1962) perf=11
Bulgaria 4/19/1962 5s orgbrn&yel&blk issue=anti-malaria d=eradication emblem & mosquito
Bulgaria 5/4/1962 5s dprose&sl issue=Pravda 50th d=Pradva first issue & Lenin perf=10.25
Bulgaria 5/21/1962 5s prusbl&blk&yel issue=Teachers' Congress 1962 d=open book & blackboard perf=10.25
Bulgaria 6/18/1962 5s turqbl issue=Dimitrov 80th d=George Dimitrov (1962 Bulgaria) perf=11
(plus 140 more) (See all uses as list)