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30s denom (#8748)

  • Colnect-1103-452-Coat-of-arms.jpg
  • Colnect-1103-488-CD-554-overprint-new-value.jpg
  • Colnect-1108-696-African-Butterfly-Fish-Pantodon-buchholzi.jpg
  • Colnect-1040-689-Phylloporus-ampliporus.jpg
Desc: 30s

Currency: Zairean zaire (10000s=100k=100nk=1z=1nz)

Numerical sorting value: 30

Users of this denom: Democratic Republic of the Congo (2 stamps, 1969-1970), Zaire (2 stamps, 1978-1979)

Used by 4 stamps: (See all uses as list)

Democratic Republic of the Congo 7/22/1969 30s grn&blk issue=1969 d=arms of Congo
Democratic Republic of the Congo 9/24/1970 30s grn&orgbrn issue=1970 provisional d=National Palace (1964) oc=blk on=9/15/1964-3fr
Zaire 1/23/1978 30s dt=fishes (1978 Zaire) d=Pantodon buchholzi
Zaire 3/1979 30s dt=mushrooms (1979 Zaire) d=Phylloporus ampliporus