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10l denom (#8735)

  • Colnect-1641-911-Victor-Emmanuel-III.jpg
  • Colnect-547-383-African-Subjects.jpg
  • Colnect-1059-753-Euphorbia-abyssinica.jpg
  • Colnect-1642-029-Abruzzi.jpg
Desc: 10l

Currency: Eritrean tallero (100c=1l)

Numerical sorting value: 60000

Users of this denom: Eritrea (5 stamps, 1916-1934)

Used by 5 stamps of Eritrea: (See all uses as list)

1916 10l graygrn&red issue=1908 d=Victor Emmanuel III (1910) ovpt=Colonia Eritrea oc=blk on=issuer=Italy-1910-10l-graygrn&red wmk=crown (Italy) perf=14
1930 10l dlbl&blk issue=1930
airmail 6/1932 10l red issue=1932 d=plane over Euphorbias
1934 10l redorg issue=1934 d=Eritrean woman
1934 10l issue=Abruzzi oc=blk on=10l-unissued