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4l denom (#8732)

  • Colnect-513-505-Coats-of-Arms---definitive-1945.jpg
  • Colnect-168-543-Roosevelt-Franklin-D---overprint.jpg
  • Colnect-168-554-Reconstruction---Alberoniana.jpg
  • Colnect-521-741-Chiesa-dei-Cappuccini.jpg
  • Colnect-521-780-100th-anniversary-of-Garibaldi-in-San-Marino.jpg
  • Colnect-169-049-Red-Indians-and-American-settlers.jpg
  • Colnect-169-054-Stampexhibition-Triest-1952.jpg
  • Colnect-481-598-Pro-Sport.jpg
  • Colnect-169-187-Cornflower.jpg
  • Colnect-169-292-Pro-Sport-2nd-set.jpg
  • Colnect-169-441-Slalom-racing.jpg
  • Colnect-169-519-Greyhound-Canis-lupus-familiaris.jpg
  • Colnect-169-629-Cattleya-trianae.jpg
  • Colnect-169-766-Peaches-Prunus-persica.jpg
  • Colnect-169-905-Stamp-jubilee-Sicili-euml-.jpg
  • Colnect-170-046-Eurasian-Hoopoe-Upupa-epops.jpg
  • Colnect-170-056-Olympic-Games--Rome.jpg
  • Colnect-170-238-San-Marino.jpg
  • Colnect-170-245-Duck-shooting-with-crossbow.jpg
  • Colnect-170-443-Daimler-1899.jpg
  • Colnect-2791-368-Glenn-Curtiss-June-Bug.jpg
  • Colnect-170-470-Three-Peaks-of-Javaredo.jpg
  • Colnect-170-481-Jacht.jpg
  • Colnect-170-670-Viking-longship-10th-cent.jpg
  • Colnect-170-686-Offer-of-arms-to-an-English-knight---XV-century.jpg
  • Colnect-170-707-High-Jump.jpg
  • Colnect-170-894-Shooting.jpg
  • Colnect-170-907-Rocket-1829.jpg
  • Colnect-171-108-Elasmosaurus.jpg
  • Colnect-171-335-John-Dory-Zeus-faber-.jpg
  • Colnect-172-154-Cancer---The-Crab.jpg
  • Colnect-172-176-Minnie-Mouse.jpg
  • Colnect-1874-660-Globe-Flower-Trollius-europaeus.jpg
  • Colnect-1687-584-Ortolan-Bunting-Emberiza-hortulana.jpg
  • Colnect-1685-547-Plums.jpg
Desc: 4l

Currency: Sammarinese lira (100c=1l)

Numerical sorting value: 24000

Users of this denom: San Marino (35 stamps, 1946-1973)

Used by 35 stamps of San Marino: (See all uses as list)

1946 4l issue=1945 d=arms of Fiorentino (1945) wmk=winged wheel
6/16/1947 4l oc=blk on=5/3/1947-2l wmk=winged wheel perf=14
7/18/1947 4l d=St Marinus wmk=three plumes perf=12
1949 4l grnblk&vio issue=1949 wmk=winged wheel perf=14
7/31/1949 4l vio&blkbrn issue=Garibaldi escape 100th wmk=winged wheel perf=14
1/28/1952 4l issue=Columbus 500th d=Red Indians & American settlers wmk=winged wheel perf=14
6/28/1952 4l issue=Trieste fair wmk=winged wheel perf=14
4/20/1953 4l dt=sports (1953 San Marino) wmk=winged wheel perf=14
12/28/1953 4l dt=flowers (1953 San Marino) d=Centaurea cyanus (1953) wmk=winged wheel perf=14
1954 4l issue=sports 1954 wmk=winged wheel perf=14
12/15/1955 4l issue=Winter Olympics 1956 d=Slalom racing wmk=mult stars (Italy) perf=14
6/8/1956 4l dt=dogs (1956 San Marino) d=Greyhound Canis lupus familiaris wmk=mult stars (Italy) perf=14
8/31/1957 4l dt=flowers (1957 San Marino) d=Cattleya trianae (1957) wmk=mult stars (Italy) perf=14
8/30/1958 4l dt=agricultural products (1958) d=peaches (1958) wmk=mult stars (Italy) perf=14
10/16/1959 4l issue=Sicily stamp 100th wmk=mult stars (Italy) perf=14
1/28/1960 4l dt=birds (1960 San Marino) d=Upupa epops (1960) wmk=mult stars (Italy) perf=14
5/23/1960 4l issue=Olympics 1960 dt=sports (1960 San Marino) wmk=mult stars (Italy) perf=14
2/16/1961 4l dt=views (1961) wmk=mult stars (Italy) perf=14
5/4/1961 4l dt=hunting (1961) d=Duck shooting with crossbow wmk=mult stars (Italy) perf=14
1/23/1962 4l dt=early automobiles (1962) d=Daimler 1899 wmk=triskelion perf=14
4/4/1962 4l dt=early airplanes d=Glenn Curtiss June Bug wmk=triskelion perf=14
6/14/1962 4l dt=alpinism d=Tre Cime di Lavaredo wmk=triskelion perf=14
8/25/1962 4l dt=modern hunting wmk=triskelion perf=14
1/10/1963 4l dt=old ships d=Viking Longship 10th-cent wmk=triskelion perf=14
6/22/1963 4l dt=knightly games d=Offer of arms to an English knight - XV century wmk=triskelion perf=14
9/21/1963 4l dt=sports (1963 San Marino) d=high jump wmk=triskelion perf=14
6/25/1964 4l issue=Olympics 1964 d=Shooting wmk=triskelion perf=14
8/20/1964 4l dt=historic locomotives (1964) wmk=triskelion perf=14
6/30/1965 4l dt=dinosaurs (1965 San Marino) d=Elasmosaurus wmk=triskelion perf=14
8/27/1966 4l dt=fishes (1966 San Marino) d=Zeus faber (1966) wmk=triskelion perf=14
2/18/1970 4l dt=zodiac (1970) d=Cancer perf=14
12/22/1970 4l dt=Disney characters (1970) d=Minnie Mouse perf=14
12/2/1971 4l dt=flowers (1971 San Marino) d=Trollius europaeus (1971) perf=14
6/30/1972 4l dt=birds (1972 San Marino) d=Emberiza hortulana (1972) perf=14
7/11/1973 4l dt=fruits (1973 San Marino) d=Prunus domestica