Desc: 40s
Currency: Peruvian sol (100c=1s) Numerical sorting value: 240000 Users of this denom: Peru (8 stamps, 1978-1982) Used by 8 stamps of Peru: (See all uses as list) 10/19/1978 40s issue=Faucett Aviation 50th 1981 40s ultra issue=native art 1/28/1981 40s issue=Bolivar death 150th 4/12/1981 40s bl&org issue=1981 overprints oc=blk on=type=postal tax-5/8/1962-10c 4/12/1981 40s issue=1981 overprints oc=blk on=3/25/1981-25s 12/21/1981 40s issue=Christmas 1980 d=Inca Messenger, by Poma 1982 40s org issue=native art 1982 40s issue=1982 provisional |