Desc: 10t
Currency: Bangladeshi taka (100p=1t)
Numerical sorting value: 60000
Equivalent denoms: 10.00t (66)
Users of this denom: Bangladesh (411 stamps, 1973-2022)
Used by 411 stamps of Bangladesh: (See all uses as list)
4/30/1973 10t rose issue=1973 d=mosque
5/29/1976 10t issue=American Revolution 200th d=Mount Rushmore (1976)
2/7/1977 10t issue=Queen Elizabeth II reign 25th d=Queen Elizabeth II & Prince Philip (1977)
2/25/1977 10t issue=1976
5/20/1978 10t issue=Queen Elizabeth II coronation 25th d=Queen Elizabeth II (1978)
11/26/1979 10t issue=Rowland Hill death 100th d=Rowland Hill (1979 Bangladesh)
5/5/1980 10t issue=London 1980
3/14/1983 10t issue=Commonwealth Day 1983
11/14/1983 10t issue=Visit of Queen
12/21/1983 10t issue=World Communications Year
12/31/1984 10t issue=Olympics 1984 d=Volleyball
3/14/1985 10t issue=UN Child Survival Campaign
7/18/1985 10t issue=UN Decade for Women
9/15/1985 10t issue=UN 40th
4/6/1986 10t dt=paintings by Bengali artists d=Levelling the Plowed Field by Zainul Abedin
6/29/1986 10t issue=World Cup Soccer 1986
12/25/1986 10t issue=International Peace Year
4/16/1987 10t issue=Bengali New Year 1987
5/18/1987 10t dt=exports (1987)
10/24/1987 10t dt=transportation (1987 Bangladesh)
12/31/1987 10t issue=national democracy 1st d=Ershad addressing Parliament
10/9/1988 10t dt=historical sites
10/26/1988 10t issue=Red Cross 125th
11/27/1988 10t issue=Asia Cup Cricket 1988 d=cricket bowler
11/29/1988 10t issue=32nd meeting Colombo Plan Committee
3/1/1989 10t issue=4th Asiatic Exposition d=++on=4/6/1986-10t
3/7/1989 10t issue=National Science & Technology Week 1989 d=water supplies
3/13/1989 10t issue=Sardah police academy 75th
7/12/1989 10t issue=French Revolution 200th
7/12/1989 10t issue=French Revolution 200th
8/10/1989 10t issue=CIRDAP 10th
8/22/1989 10t issue=SOS Children's Village 40th
9/12/1989 10t issue=Bangladesh Army as UN peacekeepers 1st
11/17/1989 10t issue=2nd Asian Poetry Festival
12/7/1989 10t d=State Printing Office
12/25/1989 10t issue=Bangladesh Television 25th
1/31/1990 10t issue=World Wildlife Fund 1990 dt=gavials
4/10/1990 10t issue=International Literacy Year
5/6/1990 10t issue=Penny Black 150th
6/12/1990 10t issue=World Cup 1990
7/16/1990 10t dt=fruits (1990 Bangladesh)
9/3/1990 10t issue=UN Conference on Least Developed Countries d=farmer (1990)
9/22/1990 10t issue=11th Asian Games
12/1990 10t dt=butterflies (1990 Bangladesh) d=Danaus plexippus (1990 Bangladesh)
12/1990 10t dt=butterflies (1990 Bangladesh) d=Ixias pyrene (1990)
6/16/1991 10t dt=endangered species (1991) d=Manis crassicaudata
6/5/1992 10t issue=World Environment Day 1992
7/2/1992 10t issue=235th Anniversary of the Death of Nawab Sirajuddaulah of Bengal
7/25/1992 10t issue=Olympics 1992
7/25/1992 10t issue=Olympics 1992
(plus 361 more) (See all uses as list)