Desc: 20s
Currency: Samoan tālā (100s=100c=1t=1$=1WS$)
Numerical sorting value: 1200
Users of this denom: Samoa (42 stamps, 1967-2016)
Used by 42 stamps of Samoa: (See all uses as list)
7/10/1967 20s issue=decimal d=Western Barn Owl (1967) wmk=kava bowl & WS perf=11
11/27/1967 20s issue=health service d=Mobile X-ray unit wmk=kava bowl & WS perf=11
1/1/1968 20s issue=independence 6th d=John C. Williams wmk=kava bowl & WS perf=11
2/15/1968 20s issue=agriculture d=bananas (1968) wmk=kava bowl & WS perf=11
4/22/1968 20s issue=South Pacific Commission 21st d=Cocos nucifera wmk=kava bowl & WS perf=11
6/10/1968 20s issue=Bougainville visit 200th d=Bougainvillea (1968) wmk=kava bowl & WS perf=11
6/13/1968 20s d=purple swamp-hen (Porphyrio porphyrio samoensis) oc=blk on=7/10/1967-10s wmk=kava bowl & WS perf=11
8/26/1968 20s issue=Human Rights Year wmk=kava bowl & WS perf=11
9/23/1968 20s d=Martin Luther King (1968 Samoa) wmk=kava bowl & WS perf=11
10/12/1968 20s issue=Christmas 1968 wmk=kava bowl & WS perf=11
1/20/1969 20s issue=independence 7th dt=flowers (1969 Samoa) d=Alpinia purpurata (1969) wmk=kava bowl & WS
4/21/1969 20s issue=Stevenson death 75th wmk=kava bowl & WS
7/21/1969 20s issue=3rd South Pacific Games wmk=kava bowl & WS
7/24/1969 20s dt=American astronauts (1969) wmk=kava bowl & WS
10/13/1969 20s gold&red&multi issue=Christmas 1969 d=Nativity by El Greco wmk=kava bowl & WS
1/19/1970 20s issue=independence 8th d=church wmk=kava bowl & WS perf=11
4/27/1970 20s issue=great Apia hurricane d=Apia after hurricane wmk=kava bowl & WS perf=11
airmail 7/27/1970 20s issue=International Air Passenger and Airmail Service on the occasion of the Opening of the Regular Servic wmk=kava bowl & WS
9/14/1970 20s issue=Cook exploration 200th d=Capt Cook bust wmk=kava bowl & WS perf=11
10/26/1970 20s issue=Christmas 1970 wmk=kava bowl & WS perf=11
11/29/1970 20s issue=Pope Paul VI visit to Samoa d=Pope Paul VI (1970) wmk=kava bowl & WS perf=11
2/1/1971 20s dt=Timber Industry d=Log & saw carrier wmk=kava bowl & WS
10/4/1971 20s issue=Christmas 1971 wmk=kava bowl & WS
10/18/1972 20s issue=1972 dt=animals (1972 Samoa) d=Cyphogastra obdominalis wmk=kava bowl & WS
1/29/1973 20s issue=Boy Scout Movement wmk=kava bowl & WS
8/20/1973 20s issue=25th Anniversary of W.H.O. wmk=kava bowl & WS
1/24/1974 20s issue=10th British Commonwealth Games wmk=kava bowl & WS
8/13/1974 20s dt=Myths and Legends of Old Samoa wmk=kava bowl & WS
9/4/1974 20s issue=100th Anniversary of U.P.U. d=Apia Wharf wmk=kava bowl & WS
1/15/1975 20s dt=tropical flowers (1975) d=Gardenia taitensis (1975) wmk=kava bowl & WS
3/14/1975 20s issue=INTERPEX 1975 wmk=kava bowl & WS
9/30/1975 20s dt=musical instruments (1975 Samoa) d=Lali Drum wmk=kava bowl & WS
1/20/1976 20s issue=200th Anniversary of American Revolution wmk=kava bowl & WS
8/17/1988 20s issue=1988 dt=birds (1988 Samoa) d=flat-billed kingfisher Halcyon recurvirostris perf=13.25x13.75
10/31/1991 20s issue=Christmas 1991 d=Spathoglottis plicata (1991)
2/6/1992 20s issue=40th Anniversary of Queen Elizabeth II's Accession
6/10/1993 20s issue=Flying Fox d=Pteropus samoensis
11/1/1993 20s issue=Christmas 1993
2/18/1994 20s dt=corals (1994 Samoa) d=Alveopora allingi
2/18/1994 20s issue=HONG KONG '94
8/1/2002 20s issue=2002
12/14/2016 20s issue=Tourism & Culture d=Landscape with palm-trees