Desc: 15g
Currency: Polish złoty (100gr=100g=1zl=1zt=1z)
Numerical sorting value: 900
Equivalent denoms: 15gr (5)
Users of this denom: Poland (22 stamps, 1924-1957), Polish offices in Gdansk (8 stamps, 1925-1938)
Used by 30 stamps: (See all uses as list)
Poland 5/1/1924 15g red d=arms of Poland (1924 b) perf=9-14.5
Poland 1925 15g rosered issue=1925 d=Wawel Castle perf=9-14.5
Poland semipostal 1/1/1925 15g issue=National Funds wmk=lozenges perf=12.5
Polish offices in Gdansk 1/5/1925 15g red d=arms of Poland (1924 b) ovpt=PORT//GDANSK oc=blk on=issuer=Poland-1924-15g-arms of Poland (1924 b) perf=9-14.5
Poland airmail 9/10/1925 15g redvio issue=1925 air d=biplane perf=12.75x12.5
Polish offices in Gdansk 1926 15g issue=1926c ovpt=PORT//GDANSK heavier oc=blk on=issuer=Poland-15g
Polish offices in Gdansk 1926 15g rosered issue=1926b d=Wawel Castle ovpt=PORT//GDANSK heavier oc=blk on=issuer=Poland-1925-15g-rosered perf=9-14.5
Poland 1926 15g rosered issue=1926 d=Wawel Castle var=redrawn perf=9-14.5
Poland 10/1928 15g ultra d=Sienkiewicz perf=9-14.5
Poland 11/1/1930 15g dkbl d=soldiers perf=9-14.5
Polish offices in Gdansk 1/5/1931 15g ultra d=Sienkiewicz ovpt=PORT//GDANSK heavier oc=blk on=issuer=Poland-1928-15g perf=9-14.5
Poland 1932 15g redbrn d=eagle arms lined bg wmk=posthorn mult perf=9-14.5
Polish offices in Gdansk 1934 15g redbrn d=eagle arms lined bg ovpt=PORT//GDANSK heavier oc=blk on=issuer=Poland-1932-15g wmk=posthorn mult perf=9-14.5
Polish offices in Gdansk 1935 15g ovpt=PORT//GDANSK heavier oc=blk on=issuer=Poland-15g
Poland 5/15/1935 15g blk issue=Pilsudski death d=Pilsudski (1935) perf=9-14.5
Poland 5/31/1935 15g redbrn d=eagle arms lined bg ovpt=Kopiee//Marszalka//Pilsudskiego oc=blk on=1932-15g wmk=posthorn mult perf=9-14.5
Poland 8/5/1935 15g prusgrn issue=1935 dt=scenic (1935) d=MS Pilsudski perf=9-14.5
Poland 4/1/1937 15g redbrn issue=1937 dt=scenic (1937) d=university,Lwow perf=9-14.5
Polish offices in Gdansk 6/5/1937 15g redbrn dt=scenic (1937) d=university,Lwow ovpt=PORT//GDANSK heavier oc=blk on=issuer=Poland-1937-15g perf=9-14.5
Poland 2/1/1938 15g slgrn d=Moscicki perf=9-14.5
Polish offices in Gdansk 11/11/1938 15g d=wheat market
Poland 11/11/1938 15g orgbrn issue=independence 20th d=Wladislaus II & Jadwiga var=crossed swords perf=9-14.5
Poland 2/6/1939 15g orgbrn d=skier perf=9-14.5
Poland 3/2/1939 15g redbrn issue=independence 20th d=Wladislaus II & Jadwiga var=arms perf=9-14.5
Poland 12/1950 15g grn d=reconstructing Warsaw perf=9-14.5
Poland 12/16/1950 15g dpyelgrn issue=1950b d=Bierut no frame perf=9-14.5
Poland 9/10/1952 15g redbrn issue=Gdansk shipyard reconstruction d=Gdansk Shipyard perf=9-14.5
Poland postage due 4/3/1953 15g redbrn issue=1953 due d=Polish eagle 1953 (no imprint) perf=12x12.5
Poland 5/3/1955 15g brnblk dt=Warsaw monuments d=Zygmunt III Waza perf=9-14.5
Poland 2/26/1957 15g issue=UN 1957 d=emblem perf=9-14.5