Desc: 25k
Currency: Zairean zaire (10000s=100k=100nk=1z=1nz)
Numerical sorting value: 2500
Users of this denom: Democratic Republic of the Congo (4 stamps, 1969-1971), Zaire (9 stamps, 1977-1983)
Used by 13 stamps: (See all uses as list)
Democratic Republic of the Congo 6/30/1969 25k issue=Kinshasa Fair 2
Democratic Republic of the Congo 2/24/1971 25k dt=butterflies & moths d=Cymothoe sangaris (1971)
Democratic Republic of the Congo 5/24/1971 25k dt=flowers (1971 Democratic Republic of the Congo) d=Cassia alata (1971)
Democratic Republic of the Congo 8/1971 25k dt=primates (1971 Democratic Republic of the Congo) d=colobus monkeys (Colobus polykomos)
Zaire 1977 25k issue=1977a dt=insects (1971) d=Metopodontus savagei (1971) oc=blk on=issuer=Democratic Republic of the Congo-1/25/1971-10s
Zaire 1/8/1977 25k dt=carvings&masks
Zaire 2/1979 25k issue=Zaire River expedition
Zaire 7/6/1981 25k issue=ESPANA 82
Zaire 12/21/1981 25k issue=Christmas 1981
Zaire 2/8/1982 25k issue=World Telecommunications Day
Zaire 7/6/1982 25k issue=World Cup 1982
Zaire 12/6/1982 25k dt=birds (1982 Zaire) d=Quelea quelea (1982)
Zaire 6/13/1983 25k issue=ITU conference