Desc: 15f
Currency: United Arab Emirates dirham (100f=1aed=1dh=1d)
Numerical sorting value: 900
Users of this denom: United Arab Emirates (12 stamps, 1973-1982)
Used by 12 stamps of United Arab Emirates: (See all uses as list)
1/1/1973 15f issue=1973 perf=14.5
11/8/1975 15f issue=Inauguration of Jabal Ali Satellite Earth Station perf=13
2/8/1976 15f issue=Arab Literacy Day d=lamp of learning perf=14
4/1/1976 15f issue=Traffic Week 1976 d=lights&signals perf=14.5x14
8/15/1976 15f org d=arms (1976) perf=11.75x11.25
12/12/1976 15f d=Sheik Zayed (1976) perf=13
7/25/1977 15f org&blk d=arms of United Arab Emirates (1977) perf=11.75x11.25
12/2/1980 15f d=helicopter & jets perf=13.5
12/15/1980 15f issue=census 1980 d=family on graph perf=13.25x13
12/18/1980 15f issue=hegira
3/26/1981 15f issue=Traffic Week perf=14.5
3/7/1982 15f issue=1982