Desc: 10m
Currency: Egyptian pound (1000mill=1000m=100pi=100p=1lb=1le)
Numerical sorting value: 600
Equivalent denoms: 1p (4), 1pi (17)
Users of this denom: Egypt (346 stamps, 1914-1981), Alexandria (6 stamps, 1921-1928), Port Said (7 stamps, 1921-1925), Jordan (4 stamps, 1927-1929)
Used by 363 stamps: (See all uses as list)
Egypt 1/8/1914 10m dkbl issue=1914 dt=scenic (1914) d=Colossi of Thebes wmk=crescent & star perf=14
Egypt 1921 10m dkbl issue=1921 d=Colossi of Thebes wmk=triple crescent & star perf=14
Alexandria 1921 10m bl issue=1921 local ovpt=Mill. oc=blk on=issue=1902-25c
Alexandria 1921 10m bl issue=1921 Paris ovpt=Mill. oc=blk on=issue=1902-25c-bl
Alexandria 1921 10m vio issue=1921 Paris ovpt=Mill. oc=blk on=issue=1902-30c-vio
Port Said 1921 10m bl issue=1921 local ovpt=value//Milliemes oc=blk on=issue=1902-25c
Port Said 1921 10m viobrn issue=1921 local ovpt=value//Milliemes oc=blk on=issue=1902-2c
Port Said 1921 10m yelbrn issue=1921 local ovpt=value//Milliemes oc=blk on=issue=1902-4c
Port Said 1921 10m bl issue=1921 Paris ovpt=value//Milliemes oc=blk on=issue=1902-25c
Port Said 1921 10m vio issue=1921 Paris ovpt=value//Milliemes oc=blk on=issue=1902-30c-vio
Port Said postage due 1921 10m red d=scroll (1882) oc=blk on=issuer=France-issue=1893 due-30c-red perf=13
Alexandria postage due 1922 10m red d=scroll (1882) oc=blk on=issuer=France-issue=1893 due-30c-red perf=13
Egypt 9/1/1922 10m lake issue=1921 d=Colossi of Thebes wmk=triple crescent & star perf=14
Egypt 10/10/1922 10m lake issue=1922 d=Colossi of Thebes ovpt=crown oc=blk on=issue=1921-10m-lk-Colossi of Thebes wmk=triple crescent & star perf=14
Egypt 4/16/1923 10m carrose issue=1923 d=King Fuad (1923) wmk=triple crescent & star perf=13x13.5
Alexandria 1925 10m bl issue=1925 ovpt=value&bars oc=blk on=issue=1902-25c-bl
Port Said 1925 10m bl issue=1925 ovpt=value&bars oc=blk on=issue=1902-25c
Egypt 4/1925 10m rose d=Thoth carving name wmk=triple crescent & star perf=11.5
Egypt official 1926 10m issue=1926 official d=Vertical Oval with Service de lEtat wmk=triple crescent & star
Egypt 3/1/1926 10m brtrose d=oxen plowing wmk=triple crescent & star perf=13.5
Egypt 8/24/1926 10m dlredvio d=oxen plowing oc=blk on=1926-100m-dlredvio wmk=triple crescent & star perf=13.5
Egypt 12/9/1926 10m dpred&blk d=ship of Hatshepsut wmk=triple crescent & star
Egypt 12/21/1926 10m dpred&blk issue=Port Fuad inauguration d=ship of Hatshepsut ovpt=PORT//FUAD oc=blk on=12/9/1926-10m wmk=triple crescent & star
Egypt 1927 10m dkred issue=1927 d=King Fuad (1927 a) wmk=triple crescent & star perf=13.5
Egypt 1927 10m orgred issue=1927 d=King Fuad (1927 a) wmk=triple crescent & star perf=13.5
Egypt 1/25/1927 10m red&slgrn d=cotton wmk=triple crescent & star perf=13.5
Egypt postage due 3/16/1927 10m issue=1927 due d=Arabic Numeral in vertical Oval wmk=triple crescent & star
Jordan 11/1/1927 10m red issue=1927 d=King Abdullah I as Emir 1927 wmk=mult crown & script CA
Egypt 12/29/1927 10m copred d=statue of Amenhotep wmk=triple crescent & star perf=13.5
Alexandria postage due 1928 10m red
Jordan 9/1/1928 10m red issue=constitution d=King Abdullah I as Emir 1927 ovpt=arabic Dastour oc=blk on=1927-10m wmk=mult crown & script CA
Egypt 12/15/1928 10m copred issue=International Congress of Medicine 1928 d=Ali Pasha wmk=triple crescent & star perf=13.5
Jordan postage due 2/1/1929 10m issue=1929 due oc=blk on=10m
Egypt 2/11/1929 10m dlred&gray issue=Prince Farouk 9th wmk=triple crescent & star
Jordan postage due 4/1/1929 10m red issue=1929 due b
Egypt 2/15/1931 10m brncar issue=14th Agricultural & Industrial Exhibition d=farmers at work wmk=triple crescent & star perf=13.5
Egypt airmail 2/15/1933 10m issue=1933 air d=aircraft flying over the pyramids of Gizeh wmk=triple crescent & star perf=13.5
Egypt 12/20/1933 10m vio issue=International Aviation Congress 1933 d=Passenger Airplane Atalanta wmk=triple crescent & star
Egypt 2/1/1934 10m vio issue=10th UPU Congress d=Ismail Pasha wmk=triple crescent & star
Egypt 10/1934 10m pur issue=1927 d=King Fuad (1927 a) wmk=triple crescent & star perf=13.5
Egypt 2/15/1936 10m vio issue=15th Agricultural and Industrial Exhibition d=agricultural building wmk=triple crescent & star
Egypt 12/22/1936 10m dkvio issue=Anglo-Egyptian Treaty wmk=triple crescent & star
Egypt 1937 10m pur issue=1936 d=King Fuad (1936) wmk=triple crescent & star perf=13.5
Egypt 7/29/1937 10m pur issue=1937 d=King Farouk (1937) wmk=triple crescent & star perf=13x13.5
Egypt airmail 1941 10m vio issue=1941 air wmk=triple crescent & star perf=13.5
Egypt 1944 10m vio issue=1944 d=King Farouk (1944) wmk=triple crescent & star perf=13.5
Egypt 4/28/1944 10m dlvio issue=King Fuad death 8th d=King Fuad (1944) wmk=triple crescent & star
Egypt 2/10/1945 10m vio issue=King Farouk 25th wmk=triple crescent & star
Egypt 3/2/1945 10m dkol issue=Khedive Ismail death 50th wmk=triple crescent & star
Egypt 7/29/1945 10m vio issue=League of Arab Nations wmk=triple crescent & star perf=13.5
(plus 313 more) (See all uses as list)