Desc: 1sh3p
Currency: South African pound (240d=240p=20sh=20s=1lb)
Numerical sorting value: 900
Users of this denom: Basutoland (2 stamps, 1954-1959), Bechuanaland Protectorate (1 stamp, 1955), South Africa (5 stamps, 1920-1960), South West Africa (8 stamps, 1923-1954), Swaziland (1 stamp, 1956)
Used by 17 stamps: (See all uses as list)
South Africa 1920 1sh3p vio issue=1913 d=King George V (1913 South Africa) wmk=springboks head perf=14
South West Africa 1/2/1923 1sh3p vio issue=setting1 d=King George V (1913 South Africa) ovpt=South West//Africa. a oc=blk on=issuer=South Africa-issue=1913-1sh3p wmk=springboks head perf=14
South West Africa 12/1923 1sh3p vio issue=setting3 d=King George V (1913 South Africa) ovpt=South West//Africa. c oc=blk on=issuer=South Africa-issue=1913-1sh3p wmk=springboks head perf=14
South West Africa 12/1924 1sh3p vio d=King George V (1913 South Africa) ovpt=South West//Africa. e oc=blk on=issuer=South Africa-issue=1913-1sh3p wmk=springboks head perf=14
South West Africa 1927 1sh3p vio issue=1927b d=King George V (1913 South Africa) ovpt=S.W.A. bottom oc=blk on=issuer=South Africa-1920-1sh3p-vio wmk=springboks head perf=14
South West Africa 1931 1sh3p issue=1931 d=elands var=English
South West Africa 3/5/1931 1sh3p orgyel&vio issue=1931 d=elands var=Afrikaans
South Africa 1943 1sh3p issue=war effort wmk=mult springboks head
South West Africa 1943 1sh3p issue=war effort ovpt=SWA oc=blk on=issuer=South Africa-1943-1sh3p wmk=mult springboks head
South Africa 10/1/1953 1sh3p brn issue=1953 d=springbok (1953) wmk=mult springboks head
South Africa 10/14/1954 1sh3p dt=wildlife (1954 South Africa) d=springbok (1954) wmk=mult springboks head
Basutoland 10/18/1954 1sh3p aqua&brn issue=1954 d=plane over Lancers Gap & Queen Elizabeth II wmk=mult crown & script CA
South West Africa 11/15/1954 1sh3p issue=1954
Bechuanaland Protectorate 1955 1sh3p issue=1955
Swaziland 7/2/1956 1sh3p brn&blk issue=Elizabeth II pictorials d=Swazi courting couple wmk=mult crown & script CA
Basutoland 12/15/1959 1sh3p redorg&bl issue=National Council d=Mosotho on horseback wmk=St Edwards crown & CA
South Africa 5/2/1960 1sh3p dkbl d=map&locomotives wmk=coat of arms