Desc: 30l
Currency: Maldivian rufiyaa (100l=1r)
Numerical sorting value: 1800
Equivalent denoms: 0.30r (1)
Users of this denom: Maldive Islands (17 stamps, 1966-2003)
Used by 17 stamps of Maldive Islands: (See all uses as list)
6/1/1966 30l brn&redbrn issue=1966 d=Conus aulicus and Cymatium maldividiensis perf=12
7/26/1967 30l issue=Hulule Airport dt=plane over airport d=Plane at Hulule Airport perf=14x13.5
12/1/1967 30l issue=International Tourist Year perf=14x13.5
12/10/1978 30l issue=30th Anniversary of Declaration of Human Rights perf=14
6/1/1979 30l issue=25th Anniversary of the Death of Henri Matisse d="Eggplants" - Henri Matisse perf=14
11/9/1980 30l issue=Hegira year d=Medhuziyaaraiy Shrine perf=15
1/7/1981 30l issue=National Day 1981 d=Chair perf=15
7/1/1981 30l issue=100th Anniversary of the Birth of Pablo Picasso d=Card player perf=14
12/30/1981 30l issue=World Food Day d=maize (1981) perf=14.25
8/1/1983 30l dt=Classic Motor Cars (1983) d=Aston Martin "Tourer", 1932 perf=14.5x14.75
9/6/1983 30l dt=Marine Mammals (1983) d=roughtooth dolphin perf=14.25
7/6/1995 30l issue=50th Anniversary of United Nations perf=14.25
6/17/1997 30l issue=Birds 1997 dt=birds (1997 Maldive Islands) d=Anous stolidus (1997) perf=14.25
8/31/2000 30l issue=New Millennium b perf=13.25
9/13/2000 30l issue=Tropical Birds 2000 d=Halcyon chloris (2000 Maldive Islands) perf=13.75x14
1/2/2001 30l issue=Fungi 2001 dt=Fungi (2001 Maldive Islands) d=Cortinarius collinitus
12/22/2003 30l issue=Flowers in Maldives d=Coelogyne asperata (2003)