Desc: 250fr
Currency: Malagasy franc (100c=1fr=1fmg)
Numerical sorting value: 1500000
Users of this denom: Madagascar (68 stamps, 1961-2001)
Used by 68 stamps of Madagascar: (See all uses as list)
airmail 12/9/1961 250fr dt=lemurs (1961) d=Verreaux's sifaka
airmail 6/13/1966 250fr
3/29/1969 250fr issue=Malagasy visit to London d=Queen Adelaide receiving delegation
airmail 11/15/1972 250fr issue=Wool Industry
airmail 1/22/1974 250fr issue=500th Anniversary of the Birth of Nicolaus Copernicus
airmail 7/9/1974 250fr issue=100th Anniversary of U.P.U.
airmail 9/12/1974 250fr issue=American-Soviet Space Research
airmail 10/9/1974 250fr issue=100th Anniversary of International Cooperation
airmail 8/5/1975 250fr ovpt=JONCTION//17 JUILLET 1975 oc=blk on=9/12/1974-250fr
6/30/1977 250fr issue=80th Anniversary of Medical College in Antananarivo
12/29/1980 250fr issue=Olympics 1980
5/13/1987 250fr issue=Halley's Comet 1987 dt=spacecraft (1987)
5/13/1987 250fr issue=Winter Olympics 1988
9/24/1987 250fr issue=500th Anniversary of the Discovery of America
10/7/1987 250fr issue=Olympics 1992 in 1987
10/26/1987 250fr issue=100th Anniversary of Pasteur Institute
12/28/1987 250fr issue=10th Anniversary of African Telecommunication Union
2/15/1988 250fr issue=International Year for Combating Homelessness
4/18/1988 250fr issue=Worldwide Nature Conservation d=Indri indri
5/11/1988 250fr issue=Winter Olympics 1988
7/9/1988 250fr issue=100th Anniversary of St. Michael's College
8/22/1988 250fr issue=50th Anniversary of Nature Park, Tsimbazaza
9/29/1988 250fr issue=Scout Movement dt=birds and Butterflies (1988) d=Chrysiridia croesus (1988)
9/29/1988 250fr issue=Musicians 1988 dt=musicians (1988) d=Franz Schubert (1988)
10/4/1988 250fr issue=10th Anniversary of F.I.D.A.
12/5/1988 250fr dt=ship paintings (1988) d=Naval Exercises by Adam Silo
12/13/1988 250fr issue=Worldwide Nature Protection 1988 dt=insects (1988 Madagascar) d=Euchroea auripigmenta
12/27/1988 250fr issue=125th Anniversary of International Red Cross
1/10/1989 250fr issue=40th Anniversary of the Universal Declaration of Human Rights
1/24/1989 250fr dt=locomotives and automobiles
2/1/1989 250fr dt=prehistoric animals (1989) d=Arsinoitherium
2/10/1989 250fr dt=Female Paintings
2/28/1989 250fr dt=orchids (1989 Madagascar) d=Oenia oncidiiflora
3/7/1989 250fr issue=100th Anniversary of the Birth of Jawaharlal Nehru
3/31/1989 250fr dt=views of Antananarivo
4/12/1989 250fr dt=minerals (1989 Madagascar)
4/28/1989 250fr issue=Visit of Pope John Paul II
7/7/1989 250fr issue=200th Anniversary of the French Revolution
7/14/1989 250fr issue=200th Anniversary of the French Revolution / PHILEXFRANCE '89
8/29/1989 250fr issue=International Mars Research Program
10/25/1989 250fr issue=200th Anniversary of the French Revolution b
11/21/1989 250fr issue=25th Anniversary of International Institute for Human Rights of the Francophone Countries d=Rene Cassin (1989)
12/5/1989 250fr d=Hepalemur aureus
4/26/1990 250fr dt=fishes (1990 Madagascar) d=Epinephelus fasciatus
5/3/1990 250fr issue=Olympics 1992 in 1990
6/19/1990 250fr issue=30th Anniversary of International Maritime Organisation
6/19/1990 250fr issue=moon landing 20th
10/9/1992 250fr issue=ANTANANARIVO '92 d=Indri indri
9/28/1993 250fr issue=200th Anniversary of the French Revolution
1/21/1996 250fr issue=25th Anniversary of Flight Operations for the Concorde
(plus 18 more) (See all uses as list)