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20ch denom (#7101)

  • Colnect-2824-808-Definitives.jpg
  • Colnect-2599-114-Falcon.jpg
  • Korean_overprint_stamp_of_20ch_on_Japanese_6sen_stamp.JPG
  • Colnect-2824-906-Korean-family-and-flag.jpg
Desc: 20ch

Currency: Korean won (1000re=100ch=1wn=1w)

Numerical sorting value: 12000

Users of this denom: Korea (4 stamps, 1900-1946)

Used by 4 stamps of Korea: (See all uses as list)

5/1900 20ch redbrn issue=1900d perf=11
10/1/1903 20ch viobrn pc=straw issue=1903b d=falcon (1903)
2/1/1946 20ch oc=blk on=issuer=Japan-6s
5/1/1946 20ch dkbl issue=1946a d=Korean family&flag wmk=curved wavy lines