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50h denom (#6965)

  • Colnect-617-892-Beams.jpg
  • Colnect-617-807-Stylized-flowers-and-branches.jpg
  • Colnect-615-970-Plze%C5%88-with-overprint.jpg
  • Colnect-5248-692-Karlstein---Karl-scaron-tejn.jpg
  • Colnect-616-701-Lime-tree-branch-with-fruits.jpg
  • Colnect-5248-718-Neuhaus---Jind%C5%99ich%C5%AFv-Hradec.jpg
  • Colnect-616-698-Beams.jpg
  • Colnect-3100-429-Value-in-a-laurel-wreath.jpg
  • Colnect-617-294-Adolf-Hitler-1889-1945-chancellor.jpg
  • Colnect-551-863-Eagle-with-shield-of-Bohemia-Empire-badge.jpg
  • Colnect-2221-931-Stylized-dove.jpg
Desc: 50h

Currency: Bohemian and Moravian koruna (100h=1k)

Numerical sorting value: 3000

Users of this denom: Bohemia & Moravia (12 stamps, 1939-1943)

Used by 12 stamps of Bohemia & Moravia: (See all uses as list)

personal delivery 1939 50h car&rose d=eagle (1939)
postage due 1939 50h car
7/15/1939 50h slgrn issue=1939 provisional d=Benes (1936) ovpt=BOEHMEN u MAEHREN//CECHY a MORAVA oc=blk on=issuer=Czechoslovakia-1936-50h-Benes perf=12.5
7/29/1939 50h issue=1939a dt=scenic (1939 Bohemia & Moravia) d=Karlstein Castle (1939)
newspaper 8/25/1939 50h redbrn issue=1939 newspaper imperf
1940 50h slgrn issue=1939b d=linden leaves & buds
1940 50h issue=1940 d=Neuhaus
personal delivery 1940 50h ind&bl d=eagle (1940)
official 1/1/1941 50h d=numeral (1941)
1942 50h d=Hitler (1942)
official 2/15/1943 50h d=eagle (1943)
newspaper 2/15/1943 50h carbrn issue=1943 newspaper imperf