Desc: 2pa
Currency: Ottoman lira (40par=40pa=1pia=1pi)
Numerical sorting value: 120
Users of this denom: Cilicia (3 stamps, 1919), Mytilene (1 stamp, 1912), Romania (3 stamps, 1865-1866), Turkey (9 stamps, 1905-1920)
Used by 16 stamps: (See all uses as list)
Romania 2pa yeloch imperf unissued
Romania 1/1865 2pa org d=Prince Alexandru Ioan Cuza imperf
Romania 8/1866 2pa blk d=Prince Carol (1866) imperf
Turkey postage due 1905 2pa blk&rose issue=1905 due perf=12
Mytilene 11/9/1912 2pa olgrn issue=1912b
Turkey postage due 1913 2pa blk pc=dprose perf=12
Turkey 3/14/1913 2pa olgrn issue=1913 d=post office, Constantinople perf=12
Turkey postage due 1/10/1914 2pa grn issue=Adrianople due d=++on=10pa perf=12
Turkey 1/14/1914 2pa redlil issue=1914 d=Obelisk of Theodosius perf=12
Turkey 11/15/1916 2pa vio issue=1916 d=artillery perf=12.5
Turkey 1917 2pa prusbl d=artillery perf=11.5
Turkey 1918 2pa red oc=blk on=1917-5pa
Cilicia 3/4/1919 2pa redlil issue=1919a d=Obelisk of Theodosius ovpt=CILICIE tall oc=blk on=issuer=Turkey-2pa-redlil-obelisk perf=12
Cilicia 3/14/1919 2pa redlil issue=1919b d=Obelisk of Theodosius ovpt=CILICIE smaller oc=blk on=issuer=Turkey-2pa-redlil-obelisk perf=12
Cilicia 4/1/1919 2pa redlil issue=1919c d=Obelisk of Theodosius ovpt=CILICIE script oc=blk on=issuer=Turkey-2pa-redlil-obelisk perf=12
Turkey 1920 2pa issue=Mohammed VI accession perf=12.5