Prev: 1.70s+40g (Austrian schilling)
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1.80s denom (#693)

  • Colnect-2208-194-Mint-Tower-Hall-Tyrol.jpg
  • Colnect-136-457-Grossglockner-Hochalpenstrasse-25th-anniversary.jpg
  • Colnect-136-469-Observatory-Sonnblick-75th-anniversary.jpg
  • Colnect-136-472-Blast-furnaces-Austrian-Alpine-Montane-Corporation.jpg
  • Colnect-136-502-Gymnastics-at-the-pommel-horse.jpg
  • Colnect-136-484-Electricity-Station-L-uuml-nersee.jpg
  • Colnect-136-523-Figure-Skating.jpg
  • Colnect-136-532-Clematis-Clematis-Hybrid.jpg
  • Colnect-136-538-Pallas-Athena--amp--assembly-hall-of-the-National-Assembly.jpg
  • Colnect-136-545--quot-Riders-on-Wet-Country-Lane-quot--by-J-Raffalt.jpg
  • Colnect-136-567-New-construction-behind-ruins-of-houses.jpg
  • Colnect-136-570--quot-Holy-George-quot--sculpture-of-Seitenstetten-Benedictine-Abbey.jpg
  • Colnect-136-598-English-Foxhound-Canis-lupus-familiaris.jpg
  • Colnect-136-599-Columbine-Aquilegia-vulgaris.jpg
  • Marke_Anich.jpg
  • Colnect-136-610-Celestial-sphere-with-the-God-Chronos--amp--Heracles.jpg
  • Colnect-136-618-Blackberry-Rubus-ursinus.jpg
  • Colnect-136-647-Leopold-the-Holy-c-1075-1136-glass-painting-Brunnenhaus.jpg
Desc: 1.80s

Currency: Austrian schilling (100g=1s)

Numerical sorting value: 10800

Users of this denom: Austria (18 stamps, 1960-1967)

Used by 18 stamps of Austria: (See all uses as list)

1960 1.80s brtultra issue=buildings d=Coining tower Hall iT
8/3/1960 1.80s blgray issue=25th Anniversary of the Grossglockner Hochalpenstrasse d=Gross Glockner Mountain Road perf=14.5x13.75
8/29/1961 1.80s blvio issue=Sonnblick Observatory 75th d=Sonnblick Observatory perf=14.5x13.75
9/13/1961 1.80s red dt=industry (1961) d=Blast furnaces Austrian Alpine Montane Corporation perf=14
1962 1.80s car issue=sports 1959 dt=sports (1962 Austria) d=gymnast on the pommel horse perf=14.5x13.75
3/21/1962 1.80s grn issue=15th Anniversary of Nationalised Power Industry dt=power plants d=Electricity Station Lünersee perf=14x13.75
11/11/1963 1.80s issue=Winter Olympics 1964 d=figure skating (1963) perf=13.75x14.5
4/17/1964 1.80s dt=flowers (1964 Austria) d=Clematis Clematis Hybrid perf=14
5/25/1964 1.80s blk<emer issue=2nd Parliamentary-Scientific Conference Vienna 1964 d=Pallas Athena & council chamber perf=14.5x13.75
6/15/1964 1.80s dkvio issue=15th UPU Congress d=Riders on Wet Country Lane by J Raffalt perf=14
4/27/1965 1.80s dkredvio issue=reconstruction 20th d=New construction behind ruins of houses perf=14.5x13.75
5/17/1965 1.80s gray issue=Danube Art School exhibition d=Holy George sculpture of Seitenstetten Benedictine Abbey perf=14
6/16/1966 1.80s issue=Vienna Humane Society 120th d=Head of an English fox hound pup perf=12
8/17/1966 1.80s dt=alpine flowers (1966) d=columbine Aquilegia vulgaris perf=14
9/1/1966 1.80s blblk issue=Peter Anich death 200th d=Peter Anich perf=14.5x13.75
9/28/1966 1.80s dt=Austrian Library items d=Celestial sphere with the God Chronos Heracles perf=14
11/25/1966 1.80s dt=fruits (1966) d=blackberries (1966) perf=14x13.25
11/15/1967 1.80s d=St Leopold perf=13.75