Desc: 3h
Currency: Polish korona (100h=1kr=1k)
Numerical sorting value: 180
Users of this denom: Poland (6 stamps, 1918-1919)
Used by 6 stamps of Poland: (See all uses as list)
12/5/1918 3h issue=Lublin 2 ovpt=POLSKA//eagle//POSTA oc=blk on=issuer=Austria-15h
12/5/1918 3h issue=Lublin 2 ovpt=POLSKA//eagle//POSTA oc=blk on=issuer=Austria-3h
1/17/1919 3h brtvio issue=Cracow 1 d=Austrian crown ovpt=POLSKA//eagle//POSTA oc=blk on=issuer=Austria-issue=1916-3h perf=12.5
1/27/1919 3h redbrn issue=1919c d=eagle in oval imperf
1/27/1919 3h redbrn issue=1919d d=agriculture perf=10
2/25/1919 3h dlvio issue=Cracow 4 d=eagle in shield perf=10