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25+10(pf) denom (#6130)

  • DBP_1971_706_Reiter.jpg
  • Colnect-152-806-Boy-in-the-forest-as-a-troublemaker.jpg
  • Colnect-152-844-Knight.jpg
  • Colnect-152-858-Osprey-Pandion-haliaeetus.jpg
  • Colnect-152-894-French-Horn.jpg
  • Colnect-152-917-Youth-labour.jpg
Desc: 25+10(pf)

Currency: Deutsche Mark (100pfg=100pf=1dm)

Numerical sorting value: 1500
Second numerical value: 600

Users of this denom: Germany (7 stamps, 1971-1974)

Used by 7 stamps of Germany: (See all uses as list)

10/5/1971 25+10(pf) issue=welfare 1971 dt=wooden toys d=horse & rider perf=14
2/4/1972 25+10(pf) issue=Youth 1972 dt=animal protection d=Boy in the forest as a troublemaker
6/5/1972 25+10(pf) grn&multi issue=Olympics 1972 x
10/5/1972 25+10(pf) issue=welfare 1972 dt=chess pieces (1972) d=chess knight
2/6/1973 25+10(pf) issue=Youth 1973 dt=birds (1973 Germany) d=Fischadler
10/5/1973 25+10(pf) issue=welfare 1973 dt=musical instruments (1973 Germany) d=French horn (1973)
4/17/1974 25+10(pf) issue=Youth 1974 dt=youth activities d=bricklayer (1974)

All are semipostal