Prev: 37(c) (Canadian dollar)
Next: 39(c) (Canadian dollar)

38(c) denom (#6042)

  • Colnect-748-323-Parliament.jpg
  • Colnect-2787-878-Queen-Elizabeth-II.jpg
  • Colnect-1021-008-Chipewyan-Canoe.jpg
  • Colnect-1021-009-Haida-Canoe.jpg
  • Colnect-1021-010-Inuit-Kayak.jpg
  • Colnect-1021-011-Micmac-Canoe.jpg
  • Colnect-1021-012-Matonabbee-travelling-North.jpg
  • Colnect-1021-013-Finding-Franklin--s-Relics.jpg
  • Colnect-1021-014-Tyrrell-has-another-Find.jpg
  • Colnect-1021-015-Stefansson-on-Polar-Ice.jpg
  • Colnect-1021-016-William-Notman-Photographer-1826-1891.jpg
  • Colnect-1021-017-W-Hanson-Boorne-Photographer-1859-1945.jpg
  • Colnect-1021-018-Alexander-Henderson-Photographer-1831-1913.jpg
  • Colnect-1021-019-Jules-Ernest-Livernois-Photographer-1851-1933.jpg
  • Colnect-1021-021-Louis-H-Fr-eacute-chette-1839-1908.jpg
  • Colnect-1021-022-Archibald-Lampman-1861-1899.jpg
  • Colnect-1021-026-Morchella-esculenta-Common-Morel.jpg
  • Colnect-1021-024-Boletus-mirabilis-Admirable-Boletus.jpg
  • Colnect-1021-025-Cantharellus-cinnabarinus-Cinnabar-Chanterelle.jpg
  • Colnect-1021-023-Clavulinopsis-fusiformis-Spindle-Coral.jpg
  • Colnect-1021-027-Princess-Patricia--s-Canadian-Light-Infantry.jpg
  • Colnect-1021-028-Royal-22e-R-eacute-giment.jpg
  • Colnect-1021-029-International-Trade.jpg
  • Colnect-1021-030-Dance.jpg
  • Colnect-1021-031-Music.jpg
  • Colnect-1021-032-Film.jpg
  • Colnect-1021-033-Theatre.jpg
  • Colnect-2804-669-MA-Suzor-C-ocirc-t-eacute---quot-Bend-in-the-Gosselin-River-quot--Arthabaska.jpg
  • Colnect-1021-038-Canada-declares-War.jpg
  • Colnect-1021-039-The-Army-mobilizes.jpg
  • Colnect-1021-040-Convoy-System-established.jpg
  • Colnect-1021-041-Air-Training-Plan.jpg
  • Colnect-596-023-North-American-Santa-Claus.jpg
  • Colnect-2841-675-Solo-Chorist.jpg
Desc: 38(c)

Currency: Canadian dollar (100c=1$)

Numerical sorting value: 2280

Users of this denom: Canada (37 stamps, 1988-1994)

Used by 37 stamps of Canada: (See all uses as list)

12/29/1988 38(c) issue=1987 d=Queen Elizabeth II (1987 Canada)
12/29/1988 38(c) issue=1987 d=Parliament (back) perf=13x13.75
1/18/1989 38(c) ind issue=1987 booklet
2/1/1989 38(c) dkgrn issue=1988 coil
2/1/1989 38(c) dt=small watercraft d=Micmac canoe perf=13.5x13
2/1/1989 38(c) dt=small watercraft d=Inuit kayak perf=13.5x13
2/1/1989 38(c) dt=small watercraft d=Chipewyan canoe perf=13.5x13
2/1/1989 38(c) dt=small watercraft d=Haida canoe perf=13.5x13
3/22/1989 38(c) issue=Exploration of Canada - Explorers of the North dt=exploration (1986) d=Matonabee perf=12.5x13
3/22/1989 38(c) issue=Exploration of Canada - Explorers of the North dt=exploration (1986) d=Relics of Franklin expedition perf=12.5x13
3/22/1989 38(c) issue=Exploration of Canada - Explorers of the North dt=exploration (1986) d=Alberta fossil bed perf=12.5x13
3/22/1989 38(c) issue=Exploration of Canada - Explorers of the North dt=exploration (1986) d=Vihjalmur Stefansson perf=12.5x13
6/23/1989 38(c) issue=Canadian photography 150th dt=photographers d=William Notman perf=12.5x12
6/23/1989 38(c) issue=Canadian photography 150th dt=photographers d=Hanson Boone perf=12.5x12
6/23/1989 38(c) issue=Canadian photography 150th dt=photographers d=Alexander Henderson perf=12.5x12
6/23/1989 38(c) issue=Canadian photography 150th dt=photographers d=Jules-Ernest Livernois perf=12.5x12
6/30/1989 38(c) issue=1987 booklet d=Canadian Flag and Forest
7/7/1989 38(c) dt=poets (1989) d=Archibald Lampman perf=13.25
7/7/1989 38(c) dt=poets (1989) d=Louis Frechette perf=13.25
8/4/1989 38(c) dt=mushrooms (1989 Canada) d=Clavulinopsis fusiformis (1989) perf=13.25
8/4/1989 38(c) dt=mushrooms (1989 Canada) d=Morchella esculenta Common Morel perf=13.25
8/4/1989 38(c) dt=mushrooms (1989 Canada) d=Cantharellus cinnabarinus Cinnabar Chanterelle perf=13.25
8/4/1989 38(c) dt=mushrooms (1989 Canada) d=Boletus mirabilis perf=13.25
9/8/1989 38(c) issue=regiments 75th d=Princess Patricia's Canadian Light Infantry perf=12.75x13
9/8/1989 38(c) issue=regiments 75th d=Royal 22nd Regiment perf=12.75x13
10/2/1989 38(c) d=world in a box perf=13.5x13
10/4/1989 38(c) issue=performing arts 1989 d=dance perf=13x13.5
10/4/1989 38(c) issue=performing arts 1989 d=musicians perf=13x13.5
10/4/1989 38(c) issue=performing arts 1989 d=camera & director perf=13x13.5
10/4/1989 38(c) issue=performing arts 1989 d=entertainers perf=13x13.5
10/26/1989 38(c) issue=Christmas 1989 dt=paintings of winter landscapes d=MA Suzor-Côté Bend in the Gosselin River Arthabaska
11/10/1989 38(c) issue=World War II 50th d=Canada declares War perf=13.25
11/10/1989 38(c) issue=World War II 50th d=The Army mobilizes perf=13.25
11/10/1989 38(c) issue=World War II 50th d=Convoy System established perf=13.25
11/10/1989 38(c) issue=World War II 50th d=Air Training Plan perf=13.25
11/4/1993 38(c) issue=Christmas 1993 d=Santa Claus (1993)
11/3/1994 38(c) issue=Christmas 1994 d=Solo Chorist