Desc: 90f
Currency: Kuwaiti dinar (1000f=1d)
Numerical sorting value: 5400
Users of this denom: Kuwait (10 stamps, 1961-1975)
Used by 10 stamps of Kuwait: (See all uses as list)
4/1/1961 90f issue=1961 d=school
6/19/1962 90f issue=National Day 1962 d=Flag of Kuwait
10/29/1963 90f issue=constitution perf=11x13
1964 90f issue=1964 d=Sheikh Abdullah (1964) perf=12.5
12/1/1965 90f redpur&graybrn d=falcon (1965) perf=13
2/1/1966 90f issue=1966 d=Emir Sabah III (1966) perf=14x13.5
6/5/1968 90f issue=International Human Rights Year d=Palestinian refugees wmk=star perf=13.5
8/25/1968 90f grn&carred d=Kuwait Museum wmk=star
10/5/1969 90f issue=1969 wmk=star perf=14
12/22/1975 90f issue=1975 perf=12.5x12