Desc: 30h
Currency: Austro-Hungarian krone (100h=1kr=1k)
Numerical sorting value: 1800
Users of this denom: Austria (26 stamps, 1899-1921), Italian occupation of Austria (2 stamps, 1918), Bosnia & Herzegovina (8 stamps, 1900-1917), Liechtenstein (3 stamps, 1920), Austrian occupation of Montenegro (1 stamp, 1918), Austrian occupation of Romania (1 stamp, 1918), Austrian occupation of Serbia (2 stamps, 1916), Western Ukraine (1 stamp, 1919), Bosnia & Herzegovina/Yugoslavia (4 stamps, 1918-1919)
Used by 48 stamps: (See all uses as list)
Austria 12/1899 30h roselil issue=1899 d=Franz Josef (1899 a) perf=9-12.5
Bosnia & Herzegovina 1900 30h bisbrn issue=1900 d=arms of Austria (1900 a) wmk=MARKEN
Bosnia & Herzegovina 1901 30h bisbrn issue=1901 d=arms of Bosnia 1901 wmk=MARKEN perf=12.5
Austria 6/18/1901 30h roselil issue=1901 d=Franz Josef (1899 a) var=varnish bars perf=9-12.5
Austria 1904 30h roselil issue=1904 d=Franz Josef (1904 black numerals) var=varnish bars perf=9-12.5
Austria 11/1905 30h redvio&blk issue=1905 d=Franz Josef (1904 black numerals) perf=9-12.5
Austria 1906 30h redvio issue=1906 d=Franz Josef (1904 colored numerals) perf=9-12.5
Bosnia & Herzegovina 11/1/1906 30h grn issue=1906 dt=scenic (1906) d=donkey post
Austria 1/1/1908 30h olgrn issue=Franz Josef accession 60th d=young Franz Josef perf=9-12.5
Austria postage due 5/15/1908 30h issue=1908 due perf=12.5
Austria 8/18/1910 30h grayol issue=Franz Josef 80th d=Emperor Franz Joseph in 1848 perf=9-12.5
Bosnia & Herzegovina 8/18/1910 30h grn issue=jubilee dt=scenic+1830-1910 d=donkey post perf=12.5
Bosnia & Herzegovina 10/4/1912 30h ver issue=1912 d=Franz Josef (1912) perf=12.5
Austria military 1915 30h red issue=1915b military d=Franz Josef (1915 a) perf=12.5
Austria military 1915 30h ver issue=1915a military d=Franz Josef (1912) ovpt=K.U.K.//FELDPOST oc=blk on=issuer=Bosnia & Herzegovina-1912-30h perf=12.5
Austrian occupation of Serbia 1916 30h ver issue=1916 ovpt horiz d=Franz Josef (1912) ovpt=SERBIEN(horiz) oc=blk on=issuer=Bosnia & Herzegovina-1912-30h perf=12.5
Austrian occupation of Serbia 1916 30h ver issue=1916 ovpt angled d=Franz Josef (1912) ovpt=SERBIEN(angle) oc=blk on=issuer=Bosnia & Herzegovina-1912-30h perf=12.5
Bosnia & Herzegovina postage due 1916 30h red issue=1916 d=numeral (1916)
Austria newspaper 10/1/1916 30h red issue=1916 newspaper
Austria postage due 10/1/1916 30h dkrose issue=1916 due perf=12.5
Austria 10/1/1916 30h sl issue=1916 d=Franz Josef (1916) perf=12.5
Bosnia & Herzegovina 10/1/1916 30h dkgrn d=Franz Josef (1916) perf=12.5
Austria military 1917 30h issue=1917 military d=Karl I (1917)
Bosnia & Herzegovina 1917 30h myrgrn d=Emperor Karl I (1917) perf=12.5
Austria 5/1917 30h dlvio d=Emperor Karl I perf=12.5
Austrian occupation of Montenegro 1918 30h red issue=1918 d=Franz Josef (1915 a) ovpt=Montenegro on=issuer=Austria-issue=1915b military-30h perf=12.5
Austrian occupation of Romania 1918 30h ol issue=1918b
Austria military 1918 30h issue=1918 military d=Karl I (1918) perf=12.5
Bosnia & Herzegovina/Yugoslavia postage due 1918 30h red d=numeral (1916) oc=blk on=issuer=Bosnia & Herzegovina-30h-red
Italian occupation of Austria 1918 30h dlvio issue=1918d d=Emperor Karl I ovpt=Regno d Italia//Trentino//3 nov 1918 oc=blk on=issuer=Austria-1917-30h-dlvio perf=12.5
Italian occupation of Austria 1918 30h dlvio issue=1918a d=Emperor Karl I ovpt=Regno d'Italia//Venezia Giulia//3. XI. 18. oc=blk on=issuer=Austria-1917-30h-dlvio perf=12.5
Bosnia & Herzegovina/Yugoslavia 1918 30h grn issue=1918a dt=scenic+1830-1910 d=donkey post ovpt=DRZAVA S.H.S. oc=blk on=issuer=Bosnia & Herzegovina-1910-30h-grn perf=12.5
Austria 12/1918 30h sl issue=1918 d=Franz Josef (1916) ovpt=Deutschoesterreich oc=blk on=issue=1916-30h-perf=12.5 perf=12.5
Bosnia & Herzegovina/Yugoslavia 1919 30h ver issue=1919 d=Franz Josef (1912) ovpt=kralyevstvo... oc=blk on=issuer=Bosnia & Herzegovina-1912-30h-ver perf=12.5
Bosnia & Herzegovina/Yugoslavia postage due 1919 30h bisbrn issue=1919 due a d=arms of Austria (1900 a) oc=blk on=issuer=Bosnia & Herzegovina-1900-30h wmk=MARKEN
Austria newspaper 1/1/1919 30h red issue=1919 newspaper
Austria postage due 3/1/1919 30h rose issue=1919 due perf=12.5
Western Ukraine 6/1919 30h sl d=Franz Josef (1916) ovpt=shield with trident oc=blk on=issuer=Austria-issue=1916-30h perf=12.5
Austria 7/1919 30h dkbrn issue=1919 d=allegory (1919)
Liechtenstein postage due 1920 30h rosered issue=1920 due d=numeral in oval (1920) perf=12.5
Austria postage due 1920 30h red issue=1920 due imperf imperf
Austria newspaper 1920 30h brnorg issue=1920 newspaper d=Mercury (1920 Austria)
Austria 1920 30h dkbrn issue=1919 imperf imperf
Austria postage due 2/1/1920 30h red issue=1920 due perf=12.5
Liechtenstein 7/1920 30h dkgray issue=1920 perf d=arms of Liechtenstein (1920) perf=12.5
Liechtenstein 7/1920 30h dkgray issue=1920 imperf d=arms of Liechtenstein (1920) imperf
Austria semipostal 9/16/1920 30h dkbrn issue=Carinthia Plebiscite d=allegory (1919) ovpt=Kaernten//Abstimmung oc=blk on=issue=1919-30h
Austria semipostal 3/1/1921 30h dkbrn issue=flood relief 1921 d=allegory (1919) ovpt=Hochwasser//1920 oc=blk on=issue=1919-30h