Prev: 4h (Austro-Hungarian krone)
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5h denom (#586)

  • Colnect-135-336-Emperor-Franz-Joseph.jpg
  • Colnect-137-881-Digit-in-oval-frame.jpg
  • Stamp_Bosnia_1900_5h.jpg
  • Colnect-137-894-Digit-in-oval-frame.jpg
  • Colnect-135-351-Emperor-Franz-Joseph.jpg
  • Colnect-3825-226-Postage-due.jpg
  • Colnect-3587-321-Prince-Nicholas-I.jpg
  • Colnect-986-659-Digit-subscription.jpg
  • Colnect-135-374-Emperor-Franz-Joseph.jpg
  • Colnect-3830-355-Postage-Due-1905.jpg
  • Colnect-135-389-Emperor-Franz-Joseph.jpg
  • Colnect-135-401-Emperor-Franz-Joseph.jpg
  • Colnect-5254-638-Constitution-Issue.jpg
  • 1906_B-H_5h_Prenj_Mi32.jpg
  • Colnect-3755-009-Emperor-Franz-Joseph-1848-1916.jpg
  • Colnect-135-435-Emperor-Franz-Joseph-1830-1916.jpg
  • Colnect-2826-686-Neretva-with-the-mountain-Prenj.jpg
  • Colnect-131-571-Johann-II.jpg
  • Colnect-2822-660-Emperor-Franz-Joseph-I.jpg
  • Colnect-135-450-Emperor-Franz-Joseph-1830-1916.jpg
  • Colnect-1829-820-Emperor-Franz-Josef.jpg
  • Colnect-3004-372-Overprint-on-Bosnia-military-stamp.jpg
  • Colnect-3022-660-overprint-SERBIEN.jpg
  • Colnect-2823-953-Flying-Merkur.jpg
  • Colnect-996-672-Digit-subscription.jpg
  • Colnect-3022-416-overprint-SERBIEN.jpg
  • Colnect-135-460-Emperors-crown.jpg
  • Colnect-958-592-Emperor-Franz-Joseph-I.jpg
  • Colnect-137-918-Digit-in-octogon.jpg
  • Colnect-966-715-Karl-I.jpg
  • Colnect-131-576-Coat-of-arms.jpg
  • Colnect-6075-066-Italian-Occupation-of-Trentin.jpg
  • Colnect-1698-371-Italian-Occupation-of-Veneto-Giulia.jpg
  • Colnect-1698-354-Italian-Occupation-of-Veneto-Giulia.jpg
  • Colnect-2534-047-Wounded-Soldier.jpg
  • Colnect-2521-471-Emperor-Karl-I-2-serie.jpg
  • Colnect-2078-906-Girl-in-Bosnian-Costume.jpg
  • Colnect-5921-486-Italian-Occupation-of-Trentin.jpg
  • Colnect-2152-327-Narenta-Pass-and-Prenj-River.jpg
  • Colnect-3782-103-Austrian-stamp-with-black-overprint.jpg
  • Colnect-135-512-Emperors-crown.jpg
  • Colnect-2834-107-Postage-due-stamps.jpg
  • Colnect-2835-842-Emperor-Franz-Joseph-I.jpg
  • Colnect-137-938-Digit-in-octogon-with-overprint.jpg
  • Stamp_Western_Ukraine_1919_5h.jpg
  • Colnect-135-544-Coat-of-arms.jpg
  • Colnect-135-565-Coat-of-arms.jpg
  • Colnect-135-564-Coat-of-arms.jpg
  • Colnect-133-215-Figures.jpg
  • Colnect-135-545-Coat-of-arms.jpg
  • Colnect-135-586-Mercury.jpg
  • Colnect-137-950-Digit-in-circle.jpg
  • Colnect-131-583-Overprint.jpg
  • Colnect-131-599-Coat-of-arms.jpg
  • StampLiechtenstein1920Michel17.jpg
  • Colnect-135-614-Coat-of-arms.jpg
  • Colnect-135-636-Coat-of-arms.jpg
Desc: 5h

Currency: Austro-Hungarian krone (100h=1kr=1k)

Numerical sorting value: 300

Users of this denom: Austria (36 stamps, 1899-1921), Italian occupation of Austria (4 stamps, 1918), Bosnia & Herzegovina (10 stamps, 1900-1918), Liechtenstein (6 stamps, 1912-1920), Montenegro (5 stamps, 1902-1906), Austrian occupation of Montenegro (1 stamp, 1918), Austrian occupation of Romania (1 stamp, 1918), Austrian occupation of Serbia (2 stamps, 1916), Western Ukraine (2 stamps, 1918-1919), Bosnia & Herzegovina/Yugoslavia (7 stamps, 1918-1919)

Used by 74 stamps: (See all uses as list)

Austria 12/1899 5h prusgrn issue=1899 d=Franz Josef (1890) perf=9-12.5
Austria postage due 12/1/1899 5h yelbrn issue=1899 due d=numeral (1894) imperf
Bosnia & Herzegovina 1900 5h grn issue=1900 d=arms of Austria (1900 a) wmk=MARKEN
Austria postage due 1900 5h yelbrn issue=1900 due
Austria 6/18/1901 5h prusgrn issue=1901 d=Franz Josef (1890) var=varnish bars perf=9-12.5
Montenegro postage due 1902 5h org
Montenegro 7/12/1902 5h grn d=Prince Nicholas I (1902)
Austria 1904 5h yelgrn issue=1904 d=Franz Josef (1904 colored numerals) var=varnish bars perf=9-12.5
Bosnia & Herzegovina postage due 1904 5h blk&red&yel d=numeral (1904 Bosnia & Herzegovina) perf=VARIOUS
Austria 1904 5h blgrn issue=1904 d=Franz Josef (1904 colored numerals) var=varnish bars perf=9-12.5
Montenegro postage due 1905 5h org ovpt=x oc=blk on=5h-org
Austria 11/1905 5h blgrn issue=1905 d=Franz Josef (1904 colored numerals) perf=9-12.5
Montenegro 12/5/1905 5h grn d=Prince Nicholas I (1902) ovpt=Constitution oc=blk on=1902-5h-grn
Montenegro 1906 5h grn d=Prince Nicholas I (1902) ovpt=Constitution 16.5mm oc=blk on=1902-5h-grn
Austria 1906 5h yelgrn issue=1905 d=Franz Josef (1904 colored numerals) perf=9-12.5
Bosnia & Herzegovina 11/1/1906 5h dkgrn issue=1906 dt=scenic (1906) d=Prenj from Neretva River near Glogosnica
Austria 1/1/1908 5h yelgrn issue=Franz Josef accession 60th d=Franz Josef (1908) perf=9-12.5
Austria 8/18/1910 5h yelgrn issue=Franz Josef 80th d=Franz Josef (1910) perf=9-12.5
Bosnia & Herzegovina 8/18/1910 5h dkgrn issue=jubilee dt=scenic+1830-1910 d=Prenj from Neretva River near Glogosnica perf=12.5
Liechtenstein 2/1/1912 5h ltgrn d=Prince Johann II (1912)
Bosnia & Herzegovina 10/4/1912 5h grn issue=1912 d=Franz Josef (1912) perf=12.5
Austria semipostal 10/4/1914 5h grn d=Emperor Franz Josef perf=12.5
Austria military 1915 5h grn issue=1915a military d=Franz Josef (1912) ovpt=K.U.K.//FELDPOST oc=blk on=issuer=Bosnia & Herzegovina-1912-5h perf=12.5
Austria military 1915 5h grn issue=1915b military d=Franz Josef (1915 a) perf=12.5
Austrian occupation of Serbia 1916 5h grn issue=1916 ovpt horiz d=Franz Josef (1912) ovpt=SERBIEN(horiz) oc=blk on=issuer=Bosnia & Herzegovina-1912-5h perf=12.5
Austrian occupation of Serbia 1916 5h grn issue=1916 ovpt angled d=Franz Josef (1912) ovpt=SERBIEN(angle) oc=blk on=issuer=Bosnia & Herzegovina-1912-5h perf=12.5
Bosnia & Herzegovina postage due 1916 5h red issue=1916 d=numeral (1916) perf=12.5
Bosnia & Herzegovina special handling 1916 5h grn d=lightning
Austria 10/1/1916 5h yelgrn issue=1916 d=Austrian crown perf=12.5
Austria special handling 10/1/1916 5h dkgrn issue=1916 special handling
Bosnia & Herzegovina 10/1/1916 5h olgrn d=Franz Josef (1916) perf=12.5
Austria postage due 10/1/1916 5h dkrose issue=1916 due perf=12.5
Bosnia & Herzegovina 1917 5h grn d=Emperor Karl I (1917) perf=12.5
Austria military 1917 5h issue=1917 military d=Karl I (1917)
Austria special handling 5/15/1917 5h issue=1917 special handling
Austria special handling 5/15/1917 5h issue=1917 special handling d=Perf: 11½
Austria special handling 5/15/1917 5h issue=1917 special handling d=Perf: 11½ x 12½
Austria special handling 5/15/1917 5h issue=1917 special handling d=Perf: 12½ x 11½
Liechtenstein 6/15/1917 5h yelgrn issue=1917 d=arms of Liechtenstein (1917) perf=12.5x13
Bosnia & Herzegovina/Yugoslavia special delivery 1918 5h oc=blk on=issuer=Bosnia & Herzegovina-5h
Italian occupation of Austria 1918 5h yelgrn issue=1918a d=Austrian crown ovpt=Regno d'Italia//Venezia Giulia//3. XI. 18. oc=blk on=issuer=Austria-1916-5h-yelgrn perf=12.5
Bosnia & Herzegovina 1918 5h ltgrn issue=1918 d=Emperor Karl I (1918)
Austrian occupation of Montenegro 1918 5h grn issue=1918 d=Franz Josef (1915 a) ovpt=Montenegro on=issuer=Austria-issue=1915b military-5h perf=12.5
Bosnia & Herzegovina/Yugoslavia postage due 1918 5h red d=numeral (1916) oc=blk on=issuer=Bosnia & Herzegovina-5h-red perf=12.5
Italian occupation of Austria 1918 5h grn issue=1918f d=Victor Emmanuel III (profile) ovpt=Venezia//Tridentina//(value) Heller oc=blk on=issuer=Italy-1906-5c-grn wmk=crown (Italy) perf=14
Italian occupation of Austria 1918 5h yelgrn issue=1918d d=Austrian crown ovpt=Regno d Italia//Trentino//3 nov 1918 oc=blk on=issuer=Austria-1916-5h perf=12.5
Austrian occupation of Romania 1918 5h grn issue=1918b
Bosnia & Herzegovina/Yugoslavia 1918 5h dkgrn issue=1918a dt=scenic+1830-1910 d=Prenj from Neretva River near Glogosnica ovpt=DRZAVA S.H.S. oc=blk on=issuer=Bosnia & Herzegovina-1910-5h-dkgrn perf=12.5
Bosnia & Herzegovina/Yugoslavia 1918 5h vio issue=1918c d=Bosnian girl ovpt=value oc=blk on=issuer=Bosnia & Herzegovina-type=newspaper-6h-vio-Bosnian girl imperf
Italian occupation of Austria 1918 5h grn issue=1918c d=Victor Emmanuel III (profile) ovpt=Venezia//Giulia//(value) Heller oc=blk on=issuer=Italy-1906-5c-grn wmk=crown (Italy) perf=14
(plus 24 more) (See all uses as list)