Desc: 90l
Currency: Italian lira (100c=1l)
Numerical sorting value: 540000
Users of this denom: Italy (64 stamps, 1958-1980), Vatican City (22 stamps, 1962-1975)
Used by 86 stamps: (See all uses as list)
Italy 1/27/1958 90l brn issue=1955b d=Italia (1953) wmk=stars perf=14
Italy 3/6/1961 90l car dt=heads from Michelangelo d=Head of the prophet Jeremiah wmk=stars perf=14
Vatican City 12/4/1962 90l issue=Christmas 1962 wmk=crossed keys perf=14
Italy 1965 90l d=Italia (1953) wmk=stars perf=14
Italy 9/27/1965 90l issue=Europa 1965 wmk=stars
Italy 10/21/1965 90l issue=7th centenary of the birth of Dante Alighieri wmk=stars
Italy 11/3/1965 90l issue=Opening of the night air network post d=jet plane & moon wmk=stars
Italy 1/24/1966 90l issue=International Bobsleigh Championships 1966 d=Four-man bobsleigh wmk=stars perf=14
Italy 2/5/1966 90l issue=Winter University Games 1966 d=ice skater wmk=stars perf=14
Vatican City 3/8/1966 90l car&pur dt=reliefs of artisans wmk=crossed keys perf=14
Italy 4/30/1966 90l issue=Trees and Flowers 1966 d=daisies wmk=stars
Italy 6/1/1966 90l issue=20th Anniversary of the Republic of Italy wmk=stars perf=13.25x14
Italy 7/21/1966 90l olgrn issue=100th Anniversary of the Battle of Bezzecca d=Battle of Bezzecca wmk=stars
Italy 9/26/1966 90l bl&dkbl issue=Europa 1966 wmk=stars
Vatican City 10/11/1966 90l dkgrn&yel issue=21st Ecumenical Council conclusion wmk=crossed keys perf=14
Vatican City airmail 3/7/1967 90l gray&bl issue=1967 air wmk=crossed keys perf=14
Italy 3/25/1967 90l issue=Tenth anniversary of the Treaties of Rome d=Square of Campidoglio in Rome wmk=stars
Italy 4/10/1967 90l issue=Europa 1967 d=Europa cogwheels wmk=stars perf=14
Italy 4/22/1967 90l dt=national parks of Italy d=deer & mountains of the Ortler in the Stelvio National Par wmk=stars
Italy 5/20/1967 90l issue=Italy cycling race 50th d=Cyclists in the sprint wmk=stars
Vatican City 6/15/1967 90l issue=Peter and Paul martyrdom 1900th d=Altar in St Peters
Italy 8/2/1967 90l issue=300th anniversary of the death of Francesco Borromini d=Church of St Ivo Rome wmk=stars
Italy 2/20/1968 90l ltredbrn issue=1968 d=Italia (1953) wmk=stars perf=14
Italy 4/29/1968 90l issue=Europa 1968 d=Europa key wmk=stars perf=14
Italy 8/26/1968 90l d=bicycling (1968) wmk=stars perf=14
Italy 11/2/1968 90l issue=WWI 50th d=Rescue of Vittorio Veneto wmk=stars perf=14
Vatican City 3/6/1969 90l red&brn issue=Easter 1969 wmk=crossed keys perf=13.5x14
Italy 4/28/1969 90l issue=Europa 1969 wmk=stars
Vatican City 4/28/1969 90l red&brn issue=Europa 1969 wmk=crossed keys perf=14
Italy 6/7/1969 90l issue=50th anniversary of International Labour Organization wmk=stars perf=14
Italy 2/6/1970 90l issue=Alpine World Ski Championships 1970 wmk=stars perf=13.5x14
Vatican City 3/16/1970 90l issue=EXPO 70 d=Vatican Pavilion perf=13.5x14
Italy 5/2/1970 90l issue=Rome-Tokyo Flight 50th wmk=stars
Italy 5/4/1970 90l blgrn&org issue=Europa 1970 wmk=stars
Vatican City 5/29/1970 90l issue=Paul VI ordination 50th perf=14x13.5
Vatican City 10/24/1970 90l issue=UN 25th perf=13.5x14
Italy 10/24/1970 90l issue=UN 25th wmk=stars
Italy 11/12/1970 90l issue=Rotary International 65th wmk=stars
Italy 11/24/1970 90l issue=Telephone Trunk Dialing System wmk=stars
Vatican City 3/26/1971 90l dt=paintings (1971 Vatican City) perf=14
Italy 4/28/1971 90l issue=Twenty years of the European Coal and Steel Community d=Profiles of Adenaner Schuman & De Gasperi wmk=stars
Italy 5/3/1971 90l issue=Europa 1971 wmk=stars perf=14
Vatican City 5/25/1971 90l issue=800th Anniversary of the birth of Holy Dominikus perf=13.5x14
Italy 6/12/1971 90l issue=25th anniversary of the Italian Republic d=Giuseppe Mazzini & Italian tricolor wmk=stars perf=14x13.5
Italy 6/16/1971 90l issue=World Canoeing Championships d=Canoe downhill wmk=stars
Italy 9/16/1971 90l issue=25th anniversary of Alitalia d=Alitalia logo & globe & aircraft wmk=stars
Italy 11/26/1971 90l issue=25th anniversary of UNICEF d=children & UNICEF emblem wmk=stars
Italy 12/10/1971 90l issue=Christmas 1971 d=Adoration of the Magi wmk=stars
Vatican City 2/22/1972 90l yel&blk issue=Bramante d=Portrait of Bramante perf=13.5x14
Italy 3/10/1972 90l blk issue=Centenary of the death of Giuseppe Mazzini d=Giuseppe Mazzini (1972) wmk=stars perf=14x13.5
(plus 36 more) (See all uses as list)