Desc: 1.50e
Currency: Angolan escudo (100c=1e)
Numerical sorting value: 9000
Users of this denom: Angola (20 stamps, 1955-1975)
Used by 20 stamps of Angola: (See all uses as list)
postal tax 1955 1.50e d=girl perf=13
1/1/1957 1.50e dt=costumes (1957) perf=11.75
7/1958 1.50e issue=Brussels Exposition perf=12x11.5
12/18/1958 1.50e issue=Hospital Maria Pia 75th d=doctor 17th century perf=11.5x12
10/1/1959 1.50e issue=Welwitschia mirabilis discovery 100th d=Welwitschia mirabilis (1959)
11/30/1961 1.50e dt=Angolan girls perf=13.5
1/18/1962 1.50e dt=sports (1962 Angola) d=water polo (1962) perf=13.5
8/1963 1.50e ltgrn&multi dt=municipal arms d=arms of Vila de Caxito perf=13.5
8/1963 1.50e sal&multi dt=municipal arms d=arms of Malanje perf=13.5
11/1/1963 1.50e dlviobl dt=churches (1963) d=Church in Chibia perf=14.5
airmail 6/12/1965 1.50e issue=1965 air d=jetliner over oil refinery perf=11.5x12
postal tax 1966 1.50e ltyelgrn
2/25/1966 1.50e dt=soldiers (1966) d=Infantry Officer 1777 perf=14.5
10/31/1967 1.50e dt=medals (1967) d=Military Order Avis perf=14.5
4/22/1968 1.50e issue=Cabral 500th d=StJerome Convent
9/25/1969 1.50e issue=Administration Reform d=Luiz Augusto Rebello da Silva perf=14.5
10/31/1970 1.50e dt=fossils & minerals (1970) d=Dioptase crystals perf=13.5
12/1/1970 1.50e issue=stamp 100th d=ships perf=13.5
10/25/1974 1.50e issue=seashells 1974 dt=seashells (1974 Angola) d=Cassis tessellata (1974) perf=12x12.5
11/11/1975 1.50e red&multi issue=independence d=star & hand holding rifle perf=13.5