Desc: 1500fr
Currency: Malagasy franc (100c=1fr=1fmg)
Numerical sorting value: 9000000
Users of this denom: Madagascar (91 stamps, 1987-2004)
Used by 91 stamps of Madagascar: (See all uses as list)
5/13/1987 1500fr issue=Winter Olympics 1988
5/13/1987 1500fr issue=Winter Olympics 1988
4/18/1988 1500fr issue=Rotary International and Scout Movement
4/18/1988 1500fr issue=Rotary International and Scout Movement d=Uratelornis chimaera
9/29/1988 1500fr issue=Musicians 1988 dt=musicians (1988) d=Nikolai Rimski-Korsakoff
9/29/1988 1500fr issue=Scout Movement dt=birds and Butterflies (1988) d=Argema mittrei (1988)
9/29/1988 1500fr issue=Scout Movement dt=birds and Butterflies (1988) d=Merops superciliosus and Salamis anteva
9/29/1988 1500fr issue=Musicians 1988 dt=musicians (1988) d=Elvis Presley (1988 Madagascar)
1/24/1989 1500fr dt=locomotives and automobiles
7/14/1989 1500fr issue=200th Anniversary of the French Revolution / PHILEXFRANCE '89
12/12/1989 1500fr issue=World Cup 1990
5/3/1990 1500fr issue=Olympics 1992 in 1990
6/19/1990 1500fr issue=moon landing 20th
7/7/1990 1500fr issue=Winter Olympics 1992 in 1990
12/8/1992 1500fr dt=Anniversaries and Events (1992 Madagascar)
9/22/1993 1500fr issue=Sharks 1993 dt=sharks (1993 Madagascar) d=Scapanorhynchus owstoni
9/28/1993 1500fr issue=50th Anniversary of the Death of Robert Baden-Powell d=Blue Overprint
9/28/1993 1500fr issue=50th Anniversary of the Death of Robert Baden-Powell d=Green overprint
9/28/1993 1500fr issue=50th Anniversary of the Death of Robert Baden-Powell d=Silver Overprint
9/28/1993 1500fr issue=50th Anniversary of the Death of Robert Baden-Powell d=Gold Overprint
9/28/1993 1500fr issue=World Cup 1990 winners
9/28/1993 1500fr issue=Winter Olympics 1992 winners
9/28/1993 1500fr issue=200th Anniversary of the French Revolution
9/28/1993 1500fr issue=15th Anniversary of the Death of Elvis Presley d=Silver Overprint
9/28/1993 1500fr issue=15th Anniversary of the Death of Elvis Presley d=Golden overprint
11/26/1993 1500fr issue=Marine Life 1993 dt=marine life (1993 Madagascar) d=Coenobita sp.
11/26/1993 1500fr issue=Marine Life 1993 dt=marine life (1993 Madagascar) d=Dardanus sp.
11/26/1993 1500fr issue=Marine Life 1993 dt=marine life (1993 Madagascar) d=Adioryx diadema
11/26/1993 1500fr issue=Marine Life 1993 dt=marine life (1993 Madagascar) d=Pterois lunulata (1993)
1/19/1994 1500fr issue=Olympics 1996 in 1994
2/2/1994 1500fr issue=Beetles 1994 dt=beetles (1994 Madagascar) d=Cetonia aurata (1994)
4/20/1994 1500fr issue=Handicrafts 1994 dt=handicrafts (1994)
6/6/1994 1500fr issue=50th Anniversary of the Allied Landing in Normandy
8/25/1994 1500fr issue=50th Anniversary of the Liberation of Paris
9/20/1994 1500fr issue=Olympic Sports
10/24/1995 1500fr issue=50th Anniversary of United Nations
1/10/1996 1500fr issue=25th Anniversary of Greenpeace
1/21/1996 1500fr issue=25th Anniversary of Flight Operations for the Concorde
1/30/1996 1500fr issue=50th Anniversary of UNICEF
2/20/1996 1500fr dt=Anniversaries and Events (1996)
4/28/1996 1500fr issue=25th Anniversary of the Death of General Charles de Gaulle
4/28/1996 1500fr issue=25th Anniversary of the Death of General Charles de Gaulle
4/28/1996 1500fr issue=25th Anniversary of the Death of General Charles de Gaulle
12/23/1996 1500fr issue=John Lennon
12/23/1996 1500fr issue=John Lennon
12/23/1996 1500fr issue=John Lennon
12/23/1996 1500fr issue=John Lennon
12/23/1996 1500fr issue=Locomotives 1996
12/23/1996 1500fr issue=Locomotives 1996
12/23/1996 1500fr issue=Locomotives 1996
(plus 41 more) (See all uses as list)