Desc: 5q
Currency: Albanian lek (fr) (100q=1fr=1l)
Numerical sorting value: 300
Users of this denom: Albania (41 stamps, 1913-1946)
Used by 41 stamps of Albania: (See all uses as list)
12/1913 5q grn&blgrn issue=Skanderbeg d=Skanderbeg (1913)
postage due 2/23/1914 5q blgrn&grn issue=1914 due d=No.31
3/7/1914 5q grn&blgrn issue=arrival of Prince Wilhelm zu Wied d=Skanderbeg (1913) ovpt=7 Mars//... oc=blk on=1913-5q-Skanderbeg (1913)
1919 5q grn issue=1919e comet right d=++on=16h
1919 5q issue=1919a
1/16/1919 5q issue=1919b ovpt=comet going left oc=blk on=16h-unissued
1920 5q grn issue=1920c d=Arms of Albania (1920) ovpt=posthorn oc=blk on=5q-grn-unissued
1920 5q rose issue=1920b d=Prince zu Wied ovpt=double eagle//value oc=blk on=issue=1920a-10q
1921 5q grn d=Arms of Albania (1920) ovpt=BESA in scroll oc=blk on=5q-grn-unissued
1922 5q grn d=Arms of Albania (1920) ovpt=BESA(boxed) oc=blk on=5q-grn-unissued
1923 5q grn issue=1923 dt=towns (1923) d=Kanina
1924 5q grn issue=return dt=towns (1923) d=Kanina ovpt=Triumf... oc=blk on=5q-grn-Kanina
1/21/1924 5q grn issue=Opening of the Constituent Assembly dt=towns (1923) d=Kanina on=issue=1923-5q
4/11/1925 5q grn issue=1925a dt=towns (1923) d=Kanina ovpt=Republika Shqiptare//21 Kallnduer 1925 oc=blk on=1923-5q-grn
5/20/1925 5q grn issue=1925b dt=towns (1923) d=Kanina ovpt=Republika Shqiptare oc=blk on=1923-5q-grn
airmail 5/30/1925 5q grn issue=1925 airmail d=airplane over mountains wmk=lozenges perf=14
12/24/1925 5q dlgrn issue=1925c d=Ahmed Zogu
airmail 1/18/1927 5q issue=1927 airmail
2/1/1927 5q dlgrn d=Ahmed Zogu ovpt=A. wreath Z. oc=blk on=issue=1925c-5q-dlgrn
1928 5q dkbl d=Ahmed Zogu ovpt=value oc=blk on=1927-25q
airmail 4/21/1928 5q issue=1st trans-Adriatic flight
8/1928 5q blgrn d=King Zog I (1928 a) ovpt=Kujtim ...//25.8.28 oc=blk on=5q-King Zog I (1928 a)-unissued
9/1/1928 5q blgrn issue=Coronation of King Zog I d=King Zog I (1928 a) ovpt=Mbrelnia Shqiptare//ZOG I//1 IX 1928 oc=blk on=5q-King Zog I (1928 a)-unissued
10/1928 5q blgrn d=King Zog I (1928 a) ovpt=Mbrelnia Shqiptare oc=blk on=5q-King Zog I (1928 a)-unissued
1929 5q dkbl d=Ahmed Zogu ovpt=value oc=blk on=1927-25q
10/8/1929 5q dlgrn d=Ahmed Zogu ovpt=RROFT-MBRETI//8X1929. oc=blk on=issue=1925c-5q
airmail 12/1/1929 5q issue=1929 airmail
9/1/1930 5q yelgrn issue=Zog 2nd d=King Zog (1930) wmk=double headed eagle perf=14
airmail 10/8/1930 5q yelgrn issue=1930 air d=King Zog & plane over Tirane (a) perf=14
airmail 10/8/1931 5q yelgrn issue=Opening of the air route Tirana-Rome d=King Zog & plane over Tirane (a) on=issue=1930 air-5q perf=14
12/24/1934 5q yelgrn issue=1924 constitution 10th d=King Zog (1930) ovpt=1924//24Dhetuer//1934 oc=blk on=1930-5q-yelgrn wmk=double headed eagle perf=14
11/20/1937 5q ltgrn issue=independence 25th d=eagle (1937) perf=14
4/25/1938 5q grn issue=Wedding of Zog and Geraldine d=Queen Geraldine & King Zog perf=14
8/30/1938 5q dkgrn issue=kingdom 10th d=Queen Geraldine perf=14
4/12/1939 5q yelgrn issue=1939a d=King Zog (1930) ovpt=Mbledhja//... oc=blk on=1930-5q wmk=double headed eagle perf=14
airmail 4/28/1939 5q grn issue=1939 air
10/1939 5q grn issue=1939b d=Victor Emmanuel III (1939) perf=14x14.25
airmail 3/20/1940 5q grn issue=1940 air d=Sheep Ovis ammon aries Shepherds
1942 5q dkgrn issue=conquest 3rd d=Victor Emmanuel III (1942) perf=14x14.25
1943 5q grn issue=independence again d=Victor Emmanuel III (1939) ovpt=14//Shtator//1943 oc=blk on=issue=1939b-5q perf=14x14.25
10/6/1946 5q brn issue=Balkan Games 1946 perf=11.5