Desc: 1.25r
Currency: Mauritian rupee (100c=1rs=1r)
Numerical sorting value: 7500
Users of this denom: Mauritius (13 stamps, 1978-1988)
Used by 13 stamps of Mauritius: (See all uses as list)
3/12/1978 1.25r issue=1978 d=Ball of Lady Gomm 1847 Penny Post perf=14
8/27/1981 1.25r ltgrn&blk dt=personalities (1981 Mauritius) d=Maurice Cure and Barthelemy Ohsan
10/15/1981 1.25r issue=25th Anniversary of Duke of Edinburgh Award Scheme
12/15/1982 1.25r issue=100th Anniversary of Robert Koch's Discovery of Tubercle Bacillus
6/24/1983 1.25r issue=World Communications Year
12/8/1983 1.25r issue=125th Anniversary of the Arrival in Mauritius of Adolf von Plevitz
9/10/1984 1.25r issue=100th Anniversary of French Cultural Institute
8/24/1985 1.25r issue=2nd Indian Ocean Islands Games
2/21/1986 1.25r issue=Halley's Comet
7/25/1986 1.25r dt=Anniversaries and events (1986)
6/2/1987 1.25r issue=200th Anniversary of Jurisdiction
12/30/1987 1.25r issue=Art and Architecture
9/1/1988 1.25r issue=150th Anniversary of Mauritius Commercial Bank
All are wmk=mult crown & script CA