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$200 denom (#5201)

  • Colnect-3121-454-Chinese-People--s-Political-Consultative-Conference.jpg
  • Colnect-766-520-Gate-of-Heavenly-Peace.jpg
  • Colnect-773-028-Tundra-Swans-over-Globe-Swan-Geese-Anser-cygnoides.jpg
  • Colnect-3099-050-Postage-Due-Number-in-Coat-of-Arms.jpg
  • Colnect-778-765-Gate-of-Heavenly-Peace.jpg
  • Colnect-473-792-Gate-of-Heavenly-Peace.jpg
  • Colnect-775-281-National-Emblem.jpg
  • Colnect-711-634-Land-reform.jpg
  • Colnect-473-797-Shepherdess.jpg
  • Colnect-4447-552-Gate-of-Heavenly-Peace.jpg
  • 1954%25E5%25B9%25B4%25E7%25BB%258F%25E6%25B5%258E%25E5%25BB%25BA%25E8%25AE%25BE%25E7%2589%25B9%25E5%2588%25AB%25E9%2582%25AE%25E7%25A5%25A8%25E5%25A1%2598%25E6%25B2%25BD%25E6%2596%25B0%25E6%25B8%25AF%25E9%2582%25AE%25E7%25A5%25A8.jpg
Desc: $200

Currency: Renminbi (100f=1$=1y)

Numerical sorting value: 1200000

Users of this denom: China, PRC (13 stamps, 1949-1954)

Used by 13 stamps of China, PRC: (See all uses as list)

10/8/1949 $200 pur d=lantern & gate perf=12.5
2/10/1950 $200 grn issue=gate 1st d=Gate of Heavenly Peace perf=12.5
3/1950 $200 red issue=1950 provisional d=mountains oc=blk on=issuer=China-type=registration-1949-red
8/1/1950 $200 bl issue=1950 provisional 3rd d=flying geese oc=blk on=issuer=China-$2-flying geese
8/1/1950 $200 brnorg issue=1950 provisional 3rd d=flying geese oc=blk on=issuer=China-$1-flying geese
postage due 9/1/1950 $200 bl issue=1950 due perf=12.5
10/8/1950 $200 grn issue=gate 3rd d=Gate of Heavenly Peace perf=14
12/22/1950 $200 dlgrn issue=gate 4th d=Gate of Heavenly Peace perf=12.5
10/1/1951 $200 d=national emblem perf=14
1/1/1952 $200 bl d=agrarian reform perf=14
3/25/1953 $200 emer issue=occupations 1953 d=shepherdess perf=14
4/16/1954 $200 grn issue=1954 d=Gate of Heavenly Peace (1954) perf=14
5/1/1954 $200 blgrn issue=economic progress 1954 perf=14