Desc: 3a
Currency: Burmese rupee (192p=16a=1r)
Numerical sorting value: 2160
Users of this denom: Burma (7 stamps, 1937-1952), Japanese occupation of Burma (1 stamp, 1942)
Used by 8 stamps: (See all uses as list)
Burma 4/1/1937 3a ovpt=BURMA oc=blk on=issuer=India-3a
Burma 11/15/1938 3a pur issue=George VI pictorials d=elephant (1938) wmk=elephant heads
Japanese occupation of Burma 9/22/1942 3a dpgrn d=Diamond Mtns oc=blk on=issuer=Japan-issue=1937b-7s wmk=curved wavy lines perf=13
Burma 1945 3a pur issue=1945 d=elephant (1938) ovpt=MILY ADMIN oc=blk on=1938-3a wmk=elephant heads
Burma 1/1/1946 3a blvio issue=George VI pictorials 1946 d=elephant (1946) wmk=elephant heads
Burma 10/1/1947 3a blvio issue=1947 interim government d=elephant (1946) ovpt=(interim government) oc=blk on=3a-blvio wmk=elephant heads
Burma 1/4/1949 3a issue=1949
Burma 1952 3a sal issue=1952 wmk=elephant heads