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35d denom (#5077)

  • Colnect-5549-217-Construction-workers.jpg
  • Colnect-3104-860-Ground-Beetle-Carabus-gigas.jpg
  • Colnect-861-043-sculpture-cathedral-from-Sibenic---15th-century.jpg
  • Colnect-4504-136-Striped-Red-Mullet-Mullus-surmuletus.jpg
  • Colnect-861-060-Football.jpg
  • Colnect-1016-952-Woolly-Foxglove-Digitalis-lanata.jpg
  • Colnect-2832-263-Coke-plant-Lukavec.jpg
  • Colnect-5663-624-Great-Bustard-Otis-tarda.jpg
  • Colnect-5664-373-Juniperus-Communis.jpg
  • Colnect-5667-671-Gymnastics.jpg
  • Colnect-5667-761-Wrestling.jpg
  • Colnect-5910-245-Red-Fox-Vulpes-vulpes.jpg
Desc: 35d

Currency: Yugoslav dinar (100pa=100p=1din=1d=1nd)

Numerical sorting value: 210000

Users of this denom: Yugoslavia (12 stamps, 1951-1960)

Used by 12 stamps of Yugoslavia: (See all uses as list)

11/12/1951 35d redbrn issue=occupation b d=construction perf=12.5
6/30/1954 35d dt=wildlife (1954 Yugoslavia) d=Procerus gigas (1954) perf=11.75
3/24/1956 35d dkol dt=Yugoslav art d=sculpture-cathedral from Sibenic - 15th century perf=11.75
9/10/1956 35d blgrn&multi dt=marine life (1956) d=red mullet perf=11.75
10/24/1956 35d issue=Olympics 1956 d=Goal Keeper perf=12.5
5/25/1957 35d dt=medicinal plants (1957) d=Digitalis lanata (1957) perf=11.75
3/24/1958 35d car dt=industrial progress d=Lukavac coke factory perf=12.5
5/25/1958 35d dt=birds (1958) d=Otis tarda (1958) perf=11.75
5/25/1959 35d dt=medicinal plants (1957) d=Juniperus communis (1959) perf=11.75
6/26/1959 35d issue=Physical Culture Festival dt=sports (1959 Yugoslavia) perf=12.5
4/25/1960 35d issue=Olympics 1960 d=wrestling (1960 Yugoslavia) perf=12.5
5/25/1960 35d dt=mammals (1960) d=Vulpes vulpes (1960) perf=11.75