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8af denom (#47)

  • Colnect-2167-329-Horsfield--s-Tortoise-Testudo-horsfieldii.jpg
  • Colnect-2167-336-Tomb-of-Abdur-Rahman-Khan-Kabul.jpg
  • Colnect-1827-911-Cement-works.jpg
  • Colnect-1772-888-Reservoir-Jalalabad.jpg
  • Colnect-1782-110-King-Mohammed-Zahir-Shah.jpg
  • Colnect-1782-124-Pig-sticking-Horse-Equus-ferus-caballus.jpg
  • Colnect-1782-129-King-Mohammed-Zahir-Shah.jpg
  • Colnect-1782-135-ILO-emblem.jpg
  • Colnect-2166-568-Bactrian-Deer-Cervus-elaphus-bactrianus.jpg
  • Colnect-1782-163-Shah-Reviewing-Troops.jpg
  • Colnect-1782-203-Woman-with-Baby-Dove-and-Rifle.jpg
  • Colnect-2107-698-Ginger-mice-Mus-sp.jpg
  • Colnect-2107-898-Bunch-of-grapes-on-branch-Vitis-sp.jpg
  • Colnect-3427-317-Portrait-Of-Ambroise-Vollard-1910-by-Pablo-Picasso.jpg
  • Colnect-1901-262-Bomb-breaking-Dove-and-Woman-holding-Wheat.jpg
  • AF027.03.jpg
  • AF006.07.jpg
Desc: 8af

Currency: Afghan afghani (100p=1af=1a)

Numerical sorting value: 48000

Equivalent denoms: 800p (4), 8a (25)

Users of this denom: Afghanistan (17 stamps, 1966-2007)

Used by 17 stamps of Afghanistan: (See all uses as list)

5/10/1966 8af dt=fauna (1966) d=Testudo horsfieldii
10/3/1966 8af issue=Tourism 1966 d=Tomb of Abd-er-Rahman
1/7/1967 8af issue=Industrialization d=cement factory
7/2/1967 8af issue=Progress in agriculture through electricity d=Reservoir at Jalalabad
10/15/1967 8af dkbl issue=King Mohammed Zahir Shah 53th d=King Mohammed Zahir Shah (1967)
7/29/1968 8af issue=Olympics 1968 d=Game of “Pegsticking”
10/14/1968 8af issue=King Mohammed Zahir Shah 54th d=King Mohammed Zahir Shah (1968)
3/23/1969 8af issue=50th anniv. of the ILO d=ILO emblem (1969 Afghanistan)
12/5/1969 8af dt=fauna (1969) d=Cervus elaphus bactrianus
8/23/1970 8af d=Zahir Shah reviewing soldiers perf=12
3/8/1980 8af issue=International Women's Day 1980
12/6/1987 8af dt=mice (1987)
7/18/1988 8af dt=fruits (1988) d=grapes (1988)
2/13/1989 8af dt=paintings by Picasso (1989) d=Portrait of Ambrouse Vollar
3/18/1989 8af issue=Women's Day 1989
10/9/2003 8af issue=World Post Day
12/22/2007 8af issue=3rd Meeting of the ECO Postal Authorities