Prev: 0.30f.s. (Swiss franc)
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30(+10c) denom (#46180)

  • Colnect-139-513-Coat-of-arms-of-Schweiz---medieval-soldiers.jpg
  • Colnect-139-519-Coat-of-Arms-of-Switzerland-supported-by-farmer-and-knight.jpg
  • Colnect-139-524-Federal-Coat-of-Arms---Luzern-lion.jpg
  • Colnect-139-529-Pestalozzi-JH.jpg
  • Colnect-139-538-Dunant-Henry--founder-of-the-Red-Cross.jpg
  • Colnect-5256-440-Nikolaus-von-Fl%C3%BCe-1417-1487-ascetic---mystic.jpg
  • Colnect-139-554-Jeremias-Gotthelf-1797-1854-poet.jpg
  • Colnect-5256-444-Vinet-Alexander-1797-1847-philosopher---theologian.jpg
  • Colnect-139-580-Prof-Eugen-Huber-1849-1923-lawyer.jpg
  • Colnect-139-585-Father-Gr%C3%A9goire-Girard-1765-1850-educationalist-of-Freibur.jpg
  • Colnect-139-599-Dr-Albrecht-von-Haller-1708-1777-poet-naturalist---physi.jpg
  • Colnect-139-607-Stefano-Franscini-1796-1857-philosopher.jpg
  • Colnect-139-632-Woman-of-Z%C3%BCrich.jpg
Desc: 30(+10c)

Currency: Swiss franc (100rp=100r=100c=1fr)

Numerical sorting value: 1800
Second numerical value: 600

Equivalent denoms: 30+10(c) (68)

Users of this denom: Switzerland (13 stamps, 1924-1936)

Used by 13 stamps of Switzerland: (See all uses as list)

12/1/1924 30(+10c) bl&red issue=Pro Juventute 1924 dt=arms of Swiss cantons d=arms of Switzerland
12/1/1925 30(+10c) bl&red issue=Pro Juventute 1925 dt=arms of Swiss cantons d=arms of Switzerland
12/1/1926 30(+10c) bl&red issue=Pro Juventute 1926 dt=arms of Swiss cantons d=arms of Switzerland & Luzern lion
12/1/1927 30(+10c) issue=Pro Juventute 1927 d=Pestalozzi b
12/1/1928 30(+10c) ultra&red issue=Pro Juventute 1928 d=Dunant
12/1/1929 30(+10c) issue=Pro Juventute 1929 d=Nicholas von der Flue & rainbow
12/1/1930 30(+10c) slbl issue=Pro Juventute 1930 dt=arms (1930) d=Jeremias Gotthelf (Albrecht Bitzius)
12/1/1931 30(+10c) issue=Pro Juventute 1931 d=Alexandre Vinet
12/1/1932 30(+10c) issue=Pro Juventute 1932 d=Eugen Huber
12/1/1933 30(+10c) issue=Pro Juventute 1933 d=P. Gregoire Girard
12/1/1934 30(+10c) issue=Pro Juventute 1934 d=Albrecht v. Haller (1934)
12/1/1935 30(+10c) dkviobl issue=Pro Juventute 1935 d=Stefano Franscini
12/1/1936 30(+10c) ultra&buff issue=Pro Juventute 1936 d=Zurich girl

All are semipostal perf=11.5