Desc: 100000kzr
Currency: Angolan kwanza (1l=1e=1nkz=1kzr=1kz=1k)
Numerical sorting value: 6000000
Equivalent denoms: 100000Kz (3)
Users of this denom: Angola (55 stamps, 1997-1998)
Used by 55 stamps of Angola: (See all uses as list)
5/29/1997 100000kzr issue=Trains 1997
5/29/1997 100000kzr issue=Trains 1997
5/29/1997 100000kzr issue=Trains 1997
5/29/1997 100000kzr issue=Trains 1997
5/29/1997 100000kzr issue=Trains 1997
5/29/1997 100000kzr issue=Trains 1997
7/5/1997 100000kzr issue=World Cup 1998 in 1997
7/5/1997 100000kzr issue=World Cup 1998 in 1997
7/5/1997 100000kzr issue=World Cup 1998 in 1997
7/5/1997 100000kzr issue=World Cup 1998 in 1997
7/5/1997 100000kzr issue=World Cup 1998 in 1997
7/5/1997 100000kzr issue=World Cup 1998 in 1997
7/5/1997 100000kzr issue=World Cup 1998 in 1997
7/5/1997 100000kzr issue=World Cup 1998 in 1997
7/5/1997 100000kzr issue=Pacific '97 dt=horses d=Equus caballus
7/5/1997 100000kzr issue=Pacific '97 dt=horses d=Equus caballus
7/5/1997 100000kzr issue=Pacific '97 dt=horses d=Equus caballus
7/5/1997 100000kzr issue=Pacific '97 dt=horses d=Equus caballus
7/5/1997 100000kzr issue=Pacific '97 dt=horses d=Equus caballus
7/5/1997 100000kzr issue=Pacific '97 dt=horses d=Equus caballus
7/5/1997 100000kzr issue=Pacific '97 dt=horses d=Equus caballus
7/5/1997 100000kzr issue=Pacific '97 dt=horses d=Equus caballus
7/5/1997 100000kzr issue=World Cup 1998 in 1997
5/21/1998 100000kzr issue=1st Anniversary of the Death of Diana, Princess of Wales b d=Princess Diana
5/21/1998 100000kzr issue=1st Anniversary of the Death of Diana, Princess of Wales b d=Princess Diana
5/21/1998 100000kzr issue=1st Anniversary of the Death of Diana, Princess of Wales b d=Princess Diana
5/21/1998 100000kzr issue=1st Anniversary of the Death of Diana, Princess of Wales b d=Princess Diana
5/21/1998 100000kzr issue=1st Anniversary of the Death of Diana, Princess of Wales b d=Princess Diana
5/21/1998 100000kzr issue=1st Anniversary of the Death of Diana, Princess of Wales b d=Princess Diana
5/21/1998 100000kzr issue=1st Anniversary of the Death of Diana, Princess of Wales b d=Princess Diana
5/21/1998 100000kzr issue=1st Anniversary of the Death of Diana, Princess of Wales b d=Princess Diana
5/21/1998 100000kzr issue=1st Anniversary of the Death of Diana, Princess of Wales b d=Princess Diana
5/21/1998 100000kzr issue=1st Anniversary of the Death of Diana, Princess of Wales b d=Princess Diana
5/21/1998 100000kzr issue=1st Anniversary of the Death of Diana, Princess of Wales b d=Princess Diana
5/21/1998 100000kzr issue=1st Anniversary of the Death of Diana, Princess of Wales b d=Princess Diana
5/22/1998 100000kzr issue=Expo '98 d=Ourico do Mar
5/22/1998 100000kzr issue=Expo '98
5/22/1998 100000kzr issue=Expo '98
5/22/1998 100000kzr issue=Expo '98 d=Cavala Marinho Sea horse
5/25/1998 100000kzr issue=1st Anniversary of the Government of Unity and National Reconciliation
5/25/1998 100000kzr issue=1st Anniversary of the Government of Unity and National Reconciliation
5/25/1998 100000kzr issue=1st Anniversary of the Government of Unity and National Reconciliation
5/25/1998 100000kzr issue=1st Anniversary of the Government of Unity and National Reconciliation
7/24/1998 100000kzr issue=Animals of the Grande Porte d=Giraffa campelopardalis
7/24/1998 100000kzr issue=Animals of the Grande Porte d=Loxodonta africana (1998)
7/24/1998 100000kzr issue=Animals of the Grande Porte d=Hippopotamus amphibius
7/24/1998 100000kzr issue=Animals of the Grande Porte d=Panthera leo (1998)
9/4/1998 100000kzr issue=International Year of the Ocean d=Ostrea tulipa
9/4/1998 100000kzr issue=International Year of the Ocean d=Thais forbesi
9/4/1998 100000kzr issue=International Year of the Ocean d=Callinectes marginatus
(plus 5 more) (See all uses as list)