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30kr denom (#44220)

  • DK015.10.jpg
  • Colnect-5826-112-Mute-Swan-Cygnus-olor.jpg
  • Colnect-5826-113-Mute-Swan-Cygnus-olor.jpg
  • Colnect-6165-163-Miner-and-Greenland-Mining-Seal.jpg
Desc: 30kr

Currency: Danish krone (100o=1dkr=1kr=1k)

Numerical sorting value: 180000

Equivalent denoms: 30,00(k) (1), 30.00(kr) (10)
Unused: 30dkr.

Users of this denom: Denmark (10 stamps, 2010-2020), Greenland (1 stamp, 2019)

Used by 11 stamps: (See all uses as list)

Denmark 3/24/2010 30kr issue=2010 d=Denmark state seal perf=Die Cut 12.75
Denmark 5/16/2019 30kr issue=Europa 2019 d=Cygnus olor perf=13.25x13
Denmark 5/16/2019 30kr issue=Europa 2019 d=Cygnus olor perf=13.25x13
Greenland 10/21/2019 30kr issue=Coal Mining in Greenland perf=12.5
Denmark 1/2/2020 30kr issue=UNESCO World Heritage Sites in Denmark d=Christiansfeld
Denmark 1/2/2020 30kr issue=UNESCO World Heritage Sites in Denmark d=Stevns Klint
Denmark 1/2/2020 30kr issue=UNESCO World Heritage Sites in Denmark d=Monuments of Jelling
Denmark 1/2/2020 30kr issue=UNESCO World Heritage Sites in Denmark d=Par Force Hunting Landscape
Denmark 1/2/2020 30kr issue=UNESCO World Heritage Sites in Denmark d=Kronborg Castle (2020)
Denmark 5/11/2020 30kr issue=Europa 2020
Denmark 5/11/2020 30kr issue=Europa 2020