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4 1/2k denom (#4295)

  • Colnect-2562-785-Airmail-overprints.jpg
  • Colnect-719-657-President-Inonu-1884-1973.jpg
  • Colnect-721-605-Train.jpg
  • Colnect-721-629-Girl-with-Grapes.jpg
  • Colnect-720-709-Soccer-Team-on-Parade.jpg
  • Colnect-721-635-Postal-Stamp-Ismet-Inonu-Surcharged.jpg
  • Colnect-721-499-Recording-Cencus-Data.jpg
Desc: 4 1/2k

Currency: Turkish lira (4000pa=100k=1l=1tl)

Numerical sorting value: 180

Users of this denom: Turkey (7 stamps, 1937-1945)

Used by 7 stamps of Turkey: (See all uses as list)

airmail 1937 4 1/2k issue=1937 air
10/29/1942 4 1/2k sl issue=1942 Inonu d=Inonu profile perf=11-12.5 .75
4/1/1943 4 1/2k blk issue=1943 pictorials d=train
8/20/1943 4 1/2k dlol issue=Izmir Fair 1943 d=girl eating grapes perf=11.25
10/29/1943 4 1/2k olgrn issue=Turkish republic 20th d=Soccer Team on Parade perf=11.5x11
1945 4 1/2k brtultra d=Inonu oc=blk on=1943-6 3/4k-Inonu perf=10.75
10/21/1945 4 1/2k issue=census 1943 d=hands filling out form perf=12