Desc: 17p
Currency: Paraguayan peso (100c=10r=1p) Numerical sorting value: 102000 Users of this denom: Paraguay (6 stamps, 1929-1935) Used by 6 stamps of Paraguay: (See all uses as list) 2/26/1929 17p issue=1929 air b oc=blk on=5p 4/29/1929 17p issue=1929 air d oc=blk on=5p 9/20/1935 17p yelbrn issue=1935 air a 9/20/1935 17p carrose issue=1935 air a 9/20/1935 17p bl issue=1935 air a 9/20/1935 17p yelgrn issue=1935 air a perf=11 All are airmail |