Desc: 3.50s
Currency: Ecuadorian sucre (100c=1s)
Numerical sorting value: 21000
Users of this denom: Ecuador (18 stamps, 1965-1982)
Used by 18 stamps of Ecuador: (See all uses as list)
airmail 11/20/1965 3.50s issue=5th Bolivar Games
1/27/1966 3.50s issue=Achievements in Space Exploration
1/27/1966 3.50s issue=Achievements in Space Exploration
1/27/1966 3.50s issue=Achievements in Space Exploration
6/24/1966 3.50s issue=Pope Paul VI
6/24/1966 3.50s issue=Pope Paul VI
6/24/1966 3.50s issue=Pope Paul VI
6/27/1966 3.50s issue=History of the Olympic Games
6/27/1966 3.50s issue=History of the Olympic Games
3/13/1967 3.50s issue=Olympics 1968 in 1967 b
3/13/1967 3.50s issue=Olympics 1968 in 1967
3/13/1967 3.50s issue=Olympics 1968 in 1967
9/11/1967 3.50s issue=50th Anniversary of the Birth of John F. Kennedy
9/11/1967 3.50s issue=50th Anniversary of the Birth of John F. Kennedy
9/11/1967 3.50s issue=50th Anniversary of the Birth of John F. Kennedy
1/19/1968 3.50s dt=Reproduction of Famous Paintings
1/19/1968 3.50s dt=Reproduction of Famous Paintings
1/21/1982 3.50s issue=Transnave Shipping 10th perf=12