Desc: 15z
Currency: Zairean zaire (10000s=100k=100nk=1z=1nz)
Numerical sorting value: 150000
Users of this denom: Zaire (20 stamps, 1981-1987)
Used by 20 stamps of Zaire: (See all uses as list)
12/21/1981 15z issue=Heinrich von Stephan 150th
12/20/1982 15z issue=Christmas 1982
12/26/1983 15z issue=Christmas 1983
12/26/1983 15z issue=Christmas 1983
12/26/1983 15z issue=Christmas 1983
12/26/1983 15z issue=Christmas 1983
4/2/1984 15z dt=animals of Garamba park
5/14/1984 15z issue=World Communications Year
5/28/1984 15z dt=flowers of Zaire
6/5/1984 15z issue=Olympics 1984
6/28/1984 15z issue=human flight 200th
4/19/1985 15z issue=OLYMPHILEX '85
8/15/1985 15z issue=2nd Pope John Paul II visit to Zaire
10/1/1985 15z issue=bicentenary of John James Audubon d=Nycticorax nycticorax (1985)
10/23/1985 15z issue=25th anniversary National Independence
12/2/1985 15z issue=International Youth Year
12/31/1985 15z issue=National Office of Transports 50th
1/22/1986 15z issue=Centenary of the first stamp of Congo
2/21/1986 15z issue=Beatification of Sister Anuarite Nengapeta d=Sister Anuarite
2/11/1987 15z dt=reptiles (1987 Zaire) d=Flap Neck Chameleon