Desc: 95s
Currency: Malaysian ringgit (100c=100sen=100s=1rm=1$) Numerical sorting value: 5700 Users of this denom: Malaysia (5 stamps, 2016-2017) Used by 5 stamps of Malaysia: (See all uses as list) 12/12/2016 95s issue=Pemerintahan Seri Paduka Baginda Yang di-Pertuan Agong XIV 12/29/2016 95s issue=Paralympic Golden Moments in Rio 2016 1/10/2017 95s issue=Malaysian Serama 1/24/2017 95s issue=Festival food series - Chinwaw d=Poon Choi & Lettuce Wraps 2/9/2017 95s issue=Chung Ling High School Centenary All are perf=14 |