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30+15(pf) denom (#3904)

  • Colnect-152-568-Fallow-Deer-Dama-dama.jpg
  • Colnect-5668-320-Bavarian-mail-coach.jpg
  • Colnect-152-584-The-Princess-and-the-frog.jpg
  • Colnect-152-591-European-Hamster-Cricetus-cricetus.jpg
  • Colnect-152-602-Fairy-tales-Grimm-Golden-Mary.jpg
  • Colnect-2845-173-European-Badger-Meles-meles.jpg
  • Colnect-152-633-Helene-Mayer-1910-1953-fencer.jpg
  • Colnect-152-643-Doll-of-1870.jpg
  • Colnect-152-652-Saddle-Horse.jpg
  • Colnect-152-663-Archery.jpg
  • Colnect-152-684-Bird-seller.jpg
  • Stamps_of_Germany_%28BRD%29_1970%2C_MiNr_614.jpg
  • Stamps_of_Germany_%28BRD%29%2C_Olympiade_1972%2C_Ausgabe_1970%2C_30_Pf.jpg
  • Stamps_of_Germany_%28BRD%29_1970%2C_MiNr_652.jpg
  • Stamps_of_Germany_%28BRD%29_1971%2C_MiNr_662.jpg
  • Stamps_of_Germany_%28BRD%29%2C_Olympiade_1972%2C_Ausgabe_1971%2C_30_Pf.jpg
  • DBP_1971_707_Nussknacker.jpg
  • Colnect-152-807-Girl-protects-birds-from-a-cat.jpg
  • Colnect-152-845-Rook.jpg
  • Colnect-152-853-The-Three-Wise-Men-and-the-Child.jpg
  • Colnect-152-859-Common-Buzzard-Buteo-buteo.jpg
  • Colnect-152-895-Pedal-Piano.jpg
  • Colnect-152-904-Christmas.jpg
  • Colnect-152-940-Flowers.jpg
  • Colnect-152-918-Youth-labour.jpg
  • Colnect-152-961-Class-218-Diesel-Locomotive.jpg
  • Colnect-152-995-Edelweiss.jpg
  • Colnect-153-013-Basketball.jpg
  • Colnect-153-018-Olympic-Games.jpg
  • Colnect-153-040-Phlox-paniculata.jpg
  • Stamps_of_Germany_1977%2C_MiNr_929.jpg
  • DBP_1977_949_Wohlfahrt_Wiesenblumen_K%25C3%25BCmmel.jpg
  • DBP_1978_964_Jugend_Luftfahrt.jpg
  • DBP_1978_982_Wohlfahrt_Waldblumen_Aronstab.jpg
  • Colnect-5382-300-Mountain-Clouded-Yellow-Colias-phicomone.jpg
  • Colnect-5422-684-Post-Office-Bethel.jpg
Desc: 30+15(pf)

Currency: Deutsche Mark (100pfg=100pf=1dm)

Numerical sorting value: 1800
Second numerical value: 900

Equivalent denoms:
Unused: 30pf+15pf

Users of this denom: Germany (37 stamps, 1966-1991)

Used by 37 stamps of Germany: (See all uses as list)

4/22/1966 30+15(pf) grn&multi issue=youth 1966 dt=animals (1966 Germany) d=fallow deer (1966)
9/24/1966 30+15(pf) red&multi issue=FIP München d=Bavarian mail coach
10/5/1966 30+15(pf) red&multi issue=welfare 1966 dt=The Princess & the Frog
4/4/1967 30+15(pf) issue=youth 1967 dt=animals (1967 Germany) d=Hamster (1967)
10/3/1967 30+15(pf) issue=welfare 1967 dt=fairy tales Grimm d=Fairy tales Grimm Golden Mary
2/2/1968 30+15(pf) issue=youth 1968 dt=animals (1968 Germany) d=badger (1968)
6/6/1968 30+15(pf) issue=Olympics 1968 d=Helene Mayer
10/3/1968 30+15(pf) issue=welfare 1968 dt=dolls (1968) d=Doll of 1870
2/6/1969 30+15(pf) issue=youth 1969 dt=horses (1969 Germany) d=Hot blood
6/4/1969 30+15(pf) issue=Olympics 1972 pre d=archery (1969)
10/2/1969 30+15(pf) issue=welfare 1969 dt=tin figures d=Bird seller
2/5/1970 30+15(pf) issue=youth 1970 dt=minnesingers (1970) d=Walther von Metz
6/5/1970 30+15(pf) car issue=Olympics 1972 promotion dt=buildings in Munich d=Glyptothek
10/6/1970 30+15(pf) issue=welfare 1970 dt=puppets (1970)
2/5/1971 30+15(pf) issue=youth 1971 dt=children's drawings (1971 Germany) d=Puss in Boots perf=14
6/4/1971 30+15(pf) rosered&blk issue=Olympics 1972 semi d=downhill skiing perf=14
10/5/1971 30+15(pf) issue=welfare 1971 dt=wooden toys d=nutcracker perf=14
2/4/1972 30+15(pf) issue=Youth 1972 dt=animal protection d=Girl protects birds from a cat
6/5/1972 30+15(pf) red&multi issue=Olympics 1972 x
10/5/1972 30+15(pf) issue=welfare 1972 dt=chess pieces (1972) d=chess rook (1972)
11/10/1972 30+15(pf) issue=Christmas 1972
2/6/1973 30+15(pf) issue=Youth 1973 dt=birds (1973 Germany) d=Buteo buteo (1973)
10/5/1973 30+15(pf) issue=welfare 1973 dt=musical instruments (1973 Germany) d=Pedal Piano
11/9/1973 30+15(pf) issue=Christmas 1973
1974 30+15(pf) brn&multi issue=welfare 25th dt=flowers (1974 Germany) d=Dianthus superbus (1974)
4/17/1974 30+15(pf) issue=Youth 1974 dt=youth activities
4/15/1975 30+15(pf) issue=youth 1975 dt=locomotives (1975 Germany) d=diesel locomotive class 218
10/15/1975 30+15(pf) gray&multi issue=welfare 1975 dt=Alpine flowers (1975) d=edelweiss (1975)
4/6/1976 30+15(pf) org&multi issue=youth 1976 dt=Youth training for Olympic Games d=basketball (1976)
4/6/1976 30+15(pf) redorg&multi issue=Olympics 1976
10/14/1976 30+15(pf) yel&multi issue=welfare 1976 dt=flowers (1976 Germany) d=Phlox paniculata
4/14/1977 30+15(pf) issue=youth 1977 dt=historic ships (1977) d=sailing ship Wapen von Hamburg perf=14
10/13/1977 30+15(pf) issue=welfare 1977 dt=flowers (1977 Germany) d=Kümmel perf=14
4/13/1978 30+15(pf) brn&multi issue=youth 1978 dt=aircraft (1978 Germany) d=Ballooning Oktoberfest Munich 1820
10/12/1978 30+15(pf) ltbrn&multi issue=welfare 1978 dt=flowers (1977 Germany) d=Arum maculatum
4/9/1991 30+15(pf) issue=Youth 1991 dt=butterflies (1991 Germany) d=Colias phicomone
10/10/1991 30+15(pf) issue=welfare 1991 dt=buildings

All are semipostal