Desc: 0.80f.s.
Currency: Swiss franc (100rp=100r=100c=1fr)
Numerical sorting value: 4800
Equivalent denoms: 80(c) (85)
Users of this denom: UN offices in Geneva (72 stamps, 1970-2000)
Used by 72 stamps of UN offices in Geneva: (See all uses as list)
9/22/1970 0.80f.s. issue=1969
4/7/1972 0.80f.s. issue=World Health Day
6/5/1972 0.80f.s. issue=UN Environmental Conference
11/17/1972 0.80f.s.
5/25/1973 0.80f.s. issue=UN Volunteers
10/1/1973 0.80f.s. issue=Namibia
11/16/1973 0.80f.s. issue=25th Anniversary of the UN Human Rigths
1/11/1974 0.80f.s. issue=New ILO Building in Geneva
10/18/1974 0.80f.s. issue=World Population Year
10/8/1976 0.80f.s. issue=25th Anniversary of UN Mail
3/11/1977 0.80f.s. issue=WIPO
4/22/1977 0.80f.s. bl&brn issue=UNCTAD
5/27/1977 0.80f.s. issue=Security Council
11/18/1977 0.80f.s. issue=Peaceful Use of Nuclear Energy
3/31/1978 0.80f.s. issue=smallpox eradication
5/5/1978 0.80f.s. issue=Namibia
6/12/1978 0.80f.s. issue=Air Safety
11/17/1978 0.80f.s. issue=Technical Cooperation of the Developing Countries
3/9/1979 0.80f.s. issue=Catastrophe Aid
5/4/1979 0.80f.s. issue=International Year of the Child
11/9/1979 0.80f.s. issue=International Court of Human Rights
1/11/1980 0.80f.s. issue=New economic order
1/31/1981 0.80f.s. issue=Rights of the Palestinian People
4/15/1981 0.80f.s.
6/11/1982 0.80f.s. issue=Exploration and Peaceful Utilization of the Outer Space
3/18/1983 0.80f.s. issue=Safety at Sea
6/6/1983 0.80f.s. issue=Trade and Development
3/15/1984 0.80f.s. issue=International Day of Victuals
2/1/1985 0.80f.s. red issue=Center of the International Work Association
3/15/1985 0.80f.s. issue=UN University
5/22/1986 0.80f.s. grnblk&org issue=Philately - an International Hobby
6/12/1987 0.80f.s. issue=Fight Against Drug Abuse
5/6/1988 0.80f.s. issue=Developing Work 1988
1/27/1989 0.80f.s. issue=World Bank
3/16/1990 0.80f.s. issue=Fight Against AIDS
5/10/1991 0.80f.s. issue=misc 1991
6/14/1991 0.80f.s. issue=Childrens Rights
9/11/1991 0.80f.s. issue=Bann of Chemical Weapons
3/13/1992 0.80f.s. issue=Protection of the Sea
3/13/1992 0.80f.s. issue=Protection of the Sea
3/3/1993 0.80f.s. issue=Threatened Species 1993 a
3/3/1993 0.80f.s. issue=Threatened Species 1993 a
3/3/1993 0.80f.s. issue=Threatened Species 1993 a
3/3/1993 0.80f.s. issue=Threatened Species 1993 a
2/4/1994 0.80f.s. issue=International Year of the Family
3/18/1994 0.80f.s. issue=Threatened Species 1994
3/18/1994 0.80f.s. issue=Threatened Species 1994
3/18/1994 0.80f.s. issue=Threatened Species 1994
3/18/1994 0.80f.s. issue=Threatened Species 1994
9/1/1994 0.80f.s. issue=Population And Development
(plus 22 more) (See all uses as list)