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2.50sh denom (#38278)

  • Colnect-4393-090-Fishing-trawler.jpg
  • Colnect-3924-994-Pardiglanis-tarabinii.jpg
Desc: 2.50sh

Currency: Somali shilling (100c=1sh=1s)

Numerical sorting value: 15000

Users of this denom: Somalia (5 stamps, 1979-1985)

Used by 5 stamps of Somalia: (See all uses as list)

9/12/1979 2.50sh issue=Fishing 1979 d=Scomberomorus commersoni perf=14x13.5
9/12/1979 2.50sh issue=International Year of the Child perf=13.5x14
12/12/1979 2.50sh issue=Fish 1979 d=Pardiglanis tarabini perf=14x13.5
12/25/1985 2.50sh issue=Bats 1985 d=Triaenops persicus perf=14x13.25
12/25/1985 2.50sh issue=Bats 1985 d=Triaenops persicus perf=14x13.25