Desc: 3000sh
Currency: Somali shilling (100c=1sh=1s)
Numerical sorting value: 18000000
Users of this denom: Somalia (30 stamps, 1992-2002)
Used by 30 stamps of Somalia: (See all uses as list)
1992 3000sh issue=Global Conservation of Endangered Wildlife d=Giraffa camelopardalis (1992) perf=14x13.5
4/28/1993 3000sh issue=Birds 1993 d=Sagittarius serpentarius (1993) perf=14x13.25
10/6/1993 3000sh issue=Aircraft 1993 perf=14x13.25
11/6/1996 3000sh issue=Coins 1996 d=200 Shillings perf=14x13.5
5/2/1997 3000sh issue=Fossils 1997 d=leaf perf=13.25x14
5/2/1997 3000sh issue=Arab Musical Instruments 1997 d=Arghul
12/24/1997 3000sh issue=Arabian Stories 1997 perf=14.25
6/26/1998 3000sh issue=World Cup 1998
9/11/1998 3000sh issue=Seals 1998 perf=14
5/28/1999 3000sh issue=Parrots 1999 d=Probosciger aterrimus (1999 Somalia) perf=14x14.25
5/28/1999 3000sh issue=Caterpillars 1999 d=Papilio machaon (1999)
11/28/1999 3000sh issue=Whales 1999 d=Megaptera nodosa (1999) perf=14.25x13.25
11/28/1999 3000sh issue=Slugs 1999 dt=Slugs (1999) d=Phyllidia sp.
6/13/2000 3000sh issue=Submarines 2000 perf=14.25x13.25
6/13/2000 3000sh issue=Bicycles 2000 perf=14.25
12/12/2000 3000sh issue=White Water Canoeing perf=14.25
12/12/2000 3000sh issue=Carnivorous Plants from Around the World d=Nepenthes sp. perf=13.25x14.25
7/2/2001 3000sh issue=Cross-country Skiing perf=14.25x13.25
7/2/2001 3000sh issue=Chameleons d=Chamaeleo dilepis perf=14.25
12/21/2001 3000sh issue=Starfish d=Acanthaster planci (2001) perf=14x13.25
12/21/2001 3000sh issue=Archaeological Sites perf=14x13.25
12/21/2001 3000sh issue=Transcontinental Flights perf=13.25x14.25
12/21/2001 3000sh issue=Extreme Sports perf=13.25x14
12/21/2001 3000sh issue=Polo perf=14.25
6/10/2002 3000sh issue=Monkeys 2002 d=Alouatta caraya (2002) perf=14.25
6/10/2002 3000sh issue=Prehistoric Rock Paintings perf=14.25
6/10/2002 3000sh issue=Frogs and Toads 2002 d=Rana temporaria perf=14.25
12/16/2002 3000sh issue=Lighthouses of Antiquity d=Trieste lighthouse perf=14.25
12/16/2002 3000sh issue=Ships 2002 perf=14.25
12/16/2002 3000sh issue=Spiders 2002 d=Argiope bruennichi (2002) perf=14.25