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1.40€+0.25€ denom (#38192)

  • LU047.15.jpg
  • LU034.16.jpg
  • LU034.17.jpg
Desc: 1.40€+0.25€

Currency: euro (100c=1e)

Numerical sorting value: 8400
Second numerical value: 1500

Equivalent denoms: 1.40+0.25e (1)

Users of this denom: Luxembourg (3 stamps, 2015-2017)

Used by 3 stamps of Luxembourg: (See all uses as list)

12/1/2015 1.40€+0.25€ issue=Charity 2014 dt=cars of Yesteryear d=1919 Berliet VB perf=13
11/13/2016 1.40€+0.25€ issue=Charity 2016 dt=Cars of Yesteryear (3) d=1928 Chenard Walcker
12/5/2017 1.40€+0.25€ issue=Cars of Yesteryear (IV) d=Buick 56C from 1940

All are semipostal