Desc: 10t
Currency: Georgian lari (100t=1l)
Numerical sorting value: 600
Equivalent denoms: 0.10l (9), 10 (6)
Users of this denom: Georgia (38 stamps, 1996-2000)
Used by 38 stamps of Georgia: (See all uses as list)
3/12/1996 10t issue=Fauna and Flora of Kolkhida
3/12/1996 10t issue=Fauna and Flora of Kolkhida
3/12/1996 10t issue=Fauna and Flora of Kolkhida
3/12/1996 10t issue=Fauna and Flora of Kolkhida
3/12/1996 10t issue=Fauna and Flora of Kolkhida
3/12/1996 10t issue=Fauna and Flora of Kolkhida
3/12/1996 10t issue=Fauna and Flora of Kolkhida
3/12/1996 10t issue=Fauna and Flora of Kolkhida
3/12/1996 10t issue=Fauna and Flora of Kolkhida
3/12/1996 10t issue=Fauna and Flora of Kolkhida
3/12/1996 10t issue=Fauna and Flora of Kolkhida
3/12/1996 10t issue=Fauna and Flora of Kolkhida
3/12/1996 10t issue=Fauna and Flora of Kolkhida
3/12/1996 10t issue=Fauna and Flora of Kolkhida
3/12/1996 10t issue=Fauna and Flora of Kolkhida
3/12/1996 10t issue=Fauna and Flora of Kolkhida
4/24/1996 10t issue=Prehistoric Animals 1996 d=Fulgoloterium
4/24/1996 10t issue=Prehistoric Animals 1996 d=Montanoceratops
4/24/1996 10t issue=Prehistoric Animals 1996 d=Hadrosaurus
4/24/1996 10t issue=Prehistoric Animals 1996 d=Parasaurolophus (1996 Georgia)
4/24/1996 10t issue=Prehistoric Animals 1996 d=Hererasaurus
4/24/1996 10t issue=Prehistoric Animals 1996 d=Leptoceratops (1996)
4/24/1996 10t issue=Prehistoric Animals 1996 d=Archaeopteryx (1996 Georgia)
4/24/1996 10t issue=Prehistoric Animals 1996 d=Apatosaurus (1996)
4/24/1996 10t issue=Prehistoric Animals 1996 d=Pentaceratops (1996)
8/2/1996 10t issue=Paintings 1996 d=by Lado Gudiashvili
8/16/1996 10t issue=100th Anniversary of Modern Olympic Games d=Barcelona, 1992
6/2/1997 10t issue=Dogs 1997 dt=dogs (1997 Georgia) d=Rottweiler Canis lupus familiaris (1997)
12/22/1998 10t issue=Horses 1998 dt=horses (1998)
12/24/1998 10t issue=Georgian Electric Railway Locomotives d=VL8-888
1/19/1999 10t issue=Mammals 1999 d=Vormela peregusna (1999)
1/20/1999 10t issue=Ancient and Modern Bridges of Tbilisi d=Michilovsky bridge
12/13/1999 10t issue=Butterflies 1999 d=Iphiclides podalirius (1999)
5/8/2000 10t issue=800th Anniversary of Shota Rustaveli's Poem d=The knight in a tigers skin
5/12/2000 10t issue=Fish 2000
12/15/2000 10t issue=Mushrooms 2000 d=Cantharellus cibarius (2000)
12/18/2000 10t issue=Churches 2000
12/20/2000 10t issue=Alexander Kartveli d=P-47D Thunderbolt (2000 Georgia)